Chapter 11

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Electricity still swarmed around his form but now it was tame, gentle and willing to arc around objects. That fact calmed Cry somewhat as he slowly eased off the couch and crept towards the unmoving form on the floor. He knelt by Pewds’ side, placing a hand over his heart to feel for a beat. There was none. His eyes widened once more and he leapt to his feet, pacing and clutching at the sides of his head as hands weaved into his hair and tugged on it. He had killed him. His heart had stopped. He was dead.

“No... No no no no no” It became Cry’s new chant as he looked at the still body on the floor. He fell to his knees and grabbed at the limp wrist, feeling no pulse. He knew he wasn’t aiming in the wrong spot - He had checked his own too many times to count, hoping that it would slow and he would just vanish from this plane of existence.

“He can’t be dead! He can’t-” The words just died on his tongue as his mind clicked into overdrive. Both hands flew to Pewds’ heart, settling directly over the organ. Eyes closed and breath was held as he focused that swirling electricity that resided inside him. It became vicious, sparking wildly off his body and leaving light black marks on the walls yet he did not care. “Come on...” He said, trying to focus himself. “Come on” The words were repeated, energy filling the room. The whole building flickered with electricity, light bulbs flashed and exploded yet they did nothing to stop Cry.

“Don’t leave me. You’re the first person who treated me as something more than a experiment. You treated me nicely. Please, don’t give up.” His voice was pleading and the electrical aura he radiated intensified, sparking more deep black scars onto the walls. “Don’t give up” He repeated. His eyes snapped open and the electrical field vanished for a split second before coming back with full vigour, jolting the form on the floor.

“Please...” Cry begged, staring at the body on the floor.


Electric Heart (Cryaotic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ