Chapter 5

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When he did find civilization, it was somewhat different than what he expected. What he had always thought of was houses and parks and bikes with children riding them. Instead, towers which reached into the sky and buildings that were tightly placed together filled his sight. Metal contraptions on wheels honked and roared at eachother while the people trapped inside shouted and yelled, frightening him. The people that did walk past him glared sharply and spoke with strange words and sounds he did not recognize. He covered the lump in his hands more fully as he moved through the crowd, his mind suddenly becoming more self conscious. Well dressed men and women passed him, suits and dresses mingling with the casual dress of those with a day off work or a school day wagged. His torn, baggy hoodie and tattered jeans stuck out, not as a fashion statement but seen as some homeless fellow to be avoided at all times. Hurrying along, he soon found something he recognized. The words on the sign that had caught his eye read “Trading Gold” and below it had numbers and a currency he was not familiar with, most likely the exchange rates at that moment for the objects. He hurried inside, rushing about until he found the place he desired.

With hesitant movements, he entered the shop, eyes darting around hectically to the things on the shelves and the scattered people loitering in the aisles, debating whether the earrings should suit the necklace or the bracelet. He just ignored them all the same, approaching the desk and ringing the bell that sat there, shining as if it were a grin. He tapped it once, twice, three times, the cheerful ping echoing into the back room and causing the owner to stroll out to the bench and lean forward with a cheerful grin.

“Hello sir, how can I help you?” The man said with feigned pleasantries in a heavily accented voice, noting the clothes adoring the form standing opposite and judging based off of that.

“Here. Can I get something for this?” The boy asked, setting the lump on the glass cabinet. The owner’s eyes widened and hands grabbed for the chunk of gold. Instantly, it was inspected from all angles, muttering leaving the man’s mouth.

“I feel I will be honest with you since you need it” The voice was soft and low, avoiding the ears of the others nearby. “This is worth a lot of money. Are you sure you want to sell it?”

“Please” The boy replied, holding his hand out expectantly. The owner chuckled and reached into the till, pulling out several large notes and bundling them together in a rubber band before placing it in the hand of the young customer.

“This is a lot. Be careful.” The owner’s eyes held a protective glance in them, noting how the boy was so young and scrawny yet holding so much money, something he could be mugged for.

“I will, Thankyou” The boy replied, smiling and nodding before turning and placing the money in his pocket, heading out the door. He smiled a lot now. He liked that.

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