Chapter 34

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Terrified, painful, agonizing screams filled the air as the walkways became flooded with blue energy. It crackled and leapt about wildly, attempting to enter the break room but failing due to the flooring. The camera hooked up to the chamber Cry was in had broken, revealing only static for an image. It made Felix gasp. Looking out in the corridor, he saw cardboard boxes and other assorted things lying about, things that the maintenance never bothered to clean. He moved quickly, climbing on them and making his way down the hall, passing bodies that had been violently shocked. Their expressions were twisted into horrible, pain filled looks and silent screams, making Felix feel ill. He pushed it away though, instead letting Cry fill his mind. He remembered holding him back in the apartment, soothing him as he screamed about how he killed someone and they wanted revenge. He was hysterical that night and Felix was petrified but he did his best to console him. He just wished he could do that now.

He had become so distracted in his thoughts, that his foot slipped. Everything seemed to freeze, his heart, his blood, his mind as he toppled to the floor. Two words left his mouth as his mind shut down, preparing for a fate he felt was deserved.

“Sorry... Cry”

And so he fell. His body fell onto the steel below and he felt the wind be knocked out of him. The heat of the electricity swarmed around him but yet... there was no shock. Eyes which had closed out of fear and shock opened suddenly as arms forced him upwards, allowing him to view the area around him. The floor was swarming with electrical currents, writhing and slithering around. Instantly the Swede’s eyes focused on the spot he was kneeling in, letting a gasp escape him as his mind clicked with his vision. The electricity was arching and bending around his hands and bent knees as well as his legs. He lifted a hand out of shock, watching how the energy instantly leapt to the vacant spot which had only just been occupied by the palm of his hand. Placing it down gingerly, it moved and twisted away, letting him place it without a single shock touching him.

“It’s just like... the apartment...” He trailed, standing up and looking down the corridor where the energy was originating. Lifting one foot and moving it forward, the gaps in the electricity followed and soon, he found himself begin to march on.

His steps were slow, hesitance radiating off him like his own aura as he moved down the frighteningly familiar corridors. A large bolt of energy leapt from the end of the dark hall, rocketing towards him like an arrow loosed by a professional archer. It flew past his ear and for a split second, he swore he could hear a voice.

“Please, help me”

And like that, the bolt vanished, leaving the Swede deeply confused. What... had that been? He ignored it for the moment, continuing to walk with his slow steps when another pushed past the river, leaping past his ear.

“It hurts”

Those words just kept coming, making Felix’s hesitance melt away as he broke into a jog. More of the lights leapt towards him, whispering more things.

“I don’t want to be here”

“Please, make it stop”

“Do something!”

“Get me out!”

“Why did you leave me?”

Skidding across the metal floor, the observation room was Felix’s first port of call. He ran in, looking over the controls. The smell of burnt flesh was overpowering, burning his nose but he tried to ignore it, pressing a few buttons on the board while looking at Cry. The glass had shattered, leaving just a few fragments in the frame. His hands moved frantically over the control panel, pressing several buttons and wincing as Cry’s screams both intensified and lessened. Only one button was left and Felix rose his hand, ready to slam down on it with the force he would have needed to cause the broken control panels to work. His eyes flickered up to Cry’s, watching how they bore into his mind. Two sparks flew from the chair, flying past both of Felix’s ears, whispering something that made his thoughts fly into a frenzy and his hand slam down harder on that button than he ever intended.

“Don’t let me die”

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