Chapter 20

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The sun was blinding in his eyes yet he did not complain as he let it soak into the skin. Sunlight. He just grinned while the others complained about it. They took it for granted it seemed, although if one was without something for a majority of life, they would be incredibly grateful to receive it once more. Cry walked with haste towards the bus stop and waited patiently for the vehicle to arrive. Taking a seat, he looked up at the clear sky, noting how there were a few clouds about. A electronics store was right next to him, playing something rather boring and drab on the screen and although the words were nonsense to him, Cry did not like hearing them.  He swivelled on the seat and pointed his foot to the shop, focusing his mind and letting a small electrical charge escape him. It leapt across the floor and into the shop, sneaking into the televisions and changing the channel to some music channel that instantly brightened Cry’s spirits. Time slowly ticked away, Cry burying his face in Sup while people walked past. Some sat next to him and opened newspapers while others took seats and fiddled with phones. All of them were in relative peace until the bus arrived, at which point they all stood and formed a line. Cry joined on the end nervously and shuffled along with them. As he boarded the bus, he approached the driver, handing over the change Felix had given him and pointing to the address written on the paper.

“Du vill gå till biblioteket?” The driver asked.

“Uh...” Cry looked away for a moment and quickly flicked some electricity to a phone. It flew back to his hand in an instant and he smiled.

“Kan du ta mig till det här biblioteket tack?” He requested. The man nodded and tipped his hat before gesturing for Cry to sit. The boy nodded and hurried to a seat, taking it and peering out the window as the bus shifted and slow began to roll along.

The world passed by in a blur as Cry knelt on the chair, watching the cars speed past and the pedestrians speak in silent words as the glass and outside noise stole it all away. A million stories unfolded before his eyes and he was eager to try and watch them all, even though the speed they moved at prevented most of them. His eyes watched every little thing he could until the bus stopped a moment longer. A tap on his shoulder stole him from his daydreaming, something that had left him in such a great mood that he did not spark.

“Bibliotek” The man said. Cry nodded and smiled, taking his things and climbing off the bus. The engine started and once again began to roll off while Cry looked at his note. This was the place. Taking a deep breath, he entered the building, instantly at ease with the air it radiated. Book shelves guided his entrance, leading him straight to the borrowing and help desk. He approached and smiled at the kind young lady behind the desk.

“Felix?” He asked, tilting his head to ask where he was. The lady turned and pointed right in the back corner and he gave her a polite nod before setting off.

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