Chapter 12

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That was the first thing he could feel.

Lack of breath.

That was the second.


That was the third and that need rose above all the others as Pewds bolt straight upright, one hand clamped tightly in the material by his heart as he stared wide eyed at Cry.

“You-” He broke out into a coughing fit, making Cry panic as he tried to help Pewds without shocking him again. “You... You saved me...”

“I-” Cry’s words died in his throat as Pewds wrapped his arms around him, holding on tightly. The electricity moved to cover Pewds too, wrapping him in the gentle warm embrace. They remained that way for moments, Cry staring down at the man attached to him while the one attached just focused on drawing in breaths and internally trying to find the right words to thank Cry for what he had done.

“Pewds... I...” The words would not form in Cry’s mind as he stared at the Swede holding him. Part of him liked the embrace, having it as the only gentle and kind motion he had received in many long, torture filled years but the other wanted him away. He was an abomination - A mistake that should not have existed. He radiated electricity for goodness sake! It seemed that fact finally sunk in for the Swede clinging to him as the form leapt backwards quickly, the electricity zapping back to Cry and leaving Pewds untouched.

“What... What the...” The words seemed to fail him too as he stared at Cry. Cry stared back although his gaze was filled with worry and concern.

“Please don’t turn me in!” He shouted quickly. “I don’t want to go back! You can’t make me go back!” The electricity swirled and sparked, leaping onto the walls and the roof before snaking and branching their way towards the Swede.

“Go back...” Pewds said, accidentally phrasing his trailing question as a statement. Cry visibly flinched and the aura he radiated became more solid while the electricity branched off into more sparking tendrils, each eager to zap the Swede. Why would he send him back? Send him back where was the actual question he found himself wanting to ask but the mind is a clever thing, piecing together the information at the crucial moments one needs it done. That newspaper. It said something about a facility in the woods where there were several men electrocuted and a chair hooked up to a generator. There was a little thing at the bottom of the page that had fled his mind as soon as he read it yet it returned now and hit with the full impact: They had found torture equipment inside the facility. It had been used often.

“Cry! I know what you are-” Pewds shouted, hoping to break through the emotional barriers that were struggling to stay up. Cry stiffened and the electricity moved with more speed, leaping off their surfaces and diving straight for Pewds, their touch in such a concentration threatening to be lethal.

“-But I don’t care!”

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