Story # 44: I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know [Re-Review]

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AUTHOR: DarknessAndLight



Lexi Grayson is just a normal teenager, as normal as she can be with her unobserving skills and her overthinking mind. But maybe she'll need the overthinking to unravel the smirking mystery that is Blake Eaton.



I've re-read this Story sooo much that I know which Chapter is which even thou it runs over 90. I reviewed this over two years ago and I remember wanting to re-review it last, last Summer. But I was butt busy earning money so I literally have no time. And I remember posting about re-doing this when I reviewed TBBG. I'm a mess. I'm sorry. Going back, after reading this Story for two years I feel really bad from my first review, seriously. I remember last year that this Story was my comfort Story for working 15 days straight. It was those moments that  I realized how the purpose of over 90 Chapters and such. And it made think how would this Story be if it wasn't over 90 Chapters long? I can't imagine it and because of that every Chapter became precious and moving and just meaningful to me. For the first I didn't want to be the character. I just want to be a third person that is watching them close by, so close by that I won't even give them space. Writing this is making me emotional because they're just the couple who would never be given the proper happily ever after. Because that is reality. We don't have happily ever after. No matter what we do there will always be a way for it to be destroyed. It is a bitter sweet realization reading this. It made me fell in love with the Author because even thou we write and we read Books to escape, to feel like even if life is shitty there is happy ever after she wants us to realize that even thou it is I think not entirely impossible, we can find contentment with what we have and what makes us happy. Why is this making me emotional? I really want to cry.



10 out of 10 (This is long overdue.)


One more coming up. :)


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