Story #56: The Bite Trilogy

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I quick disclaimer before I start. I'll probably edit this multiple times starting today. I'm still in Book Two and I'm not even in it halfway. So bare with me. I'm trying to get this done without missing anything. This has been the biggest Trilogy I've read this year.


AUTHOR: Z.W. Taylor



This is for the The Bite:

Charlotte is on the run from an abusive past to start a new life, turn a new page and begin again. Little does she know that the new life she is about to start, is one that is only supposed to exist only in fairy tales.

What was a minor decision put her in the wrong place at the wrong time; a decision that will be burned into her memory, a decision that forced her to fight for her life, a decision that will turn her into a thing of fairy tales- and it only took one bite.

The Rise:

It takes more than a bite.

Charlotte has gone from being a broken human to a strong she-wolf and a damn Thorne, but now she and her mate, are standing on the edge of deliverance or doom as they grapple with a revelation that changes everything.

They have to move fast to protect the ones they love, protect their pack, and most of all each other; but will it be enough? Will they rise to the occasion or fade into ash as the fires of failure lick them up?

There will be blood. There will be your two favorite vampires and a lot of good food. There will be ass beatings, twists, turns, and whole lotta Levi.

It's either rise or fall, and this time, it's going to take more than a bite to save them.

The Blood:

It took one bite to change her life forever. Now Charlotte has found herself in the middle of a war that has been brewing for longer than anyone could have imagined. And it's all in the blood... Join them as they race against time to try and solve the mystery that could destroy or deliver them from this horrible bloody mess. Also included in this book: Ass beatings Fantastic vampire cooked meals Snarky remarks from our favorite brothers Wine Plenty more from the Penelope-Lyle love saga The new best friend duo of Lyanna and Bernard And twists that you may very well kill me for The third book in 'The Bite' series! Must be read in order! Series order: The Bite, The Rise, The Blood.


Ok. So far. I just need to get this out of my head because it is eating me. This is soooooo far the BEST Werewolf Book/Story I've read on Wattpad. I've read a lot per se.

It's sooooo broad. It gave the whole Were/Werewolf Story a new meaning. A new label. A new look. There is no Book like this being sold anymore. For short, this is GOLD.

Now, I don't know a lot about the Author, where the Story came from and such but it is well written. A few grammar/typo errors but that's normal. If you asked me how I can describe her writing, I'd say it's somewhat like Stephanie Meyer. I've never said this to an Author. But everytime I read her Trilogy it really reminds me of the times I was reading the Twilight Saga. To be honest, I'm going to feed the Author's ego but this deserves to be Published and be turned into a Movie. It's about time they make something like this in the Cinema.

Going back to the Story.

Tired of the typical once upon a time a werewolf looking for a mate that was abused and shit?

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