Story #49: Falling for a Womaniser Series

139 3 2

AUTHOR: cheryl-is-not-here



Series #1: BAD FOR ME

Olivia Ford is the baby of the family. The Fords are the richest family in the world. All the guys she dated only wanted her for her money. Now being the age of twenty-three, Olivia has given up on love. Now working as an air stewardess, Olivia loves her job, until one particular flight..Drake Henderson has never met someone as intriguing as Olivia. She was the first woman to ever reject his advances. Doesn't she know that he's a famous racer? Every woman would kill just to share a kiss with him. However, Drake doesn't believe in love either, not after seeing his parents's failed marriage.But what will happen when two very stubborn people clash? Sparks will definitely fly. But could both Drake and Olivia let go of their fear of love?


"W-what are you doing?" I stammered as Damien leaned towards me."Kissing you." With that his lips crashed against mine. His lips were soft and moved against mine with such intensity. He nibbled on my lower lip, making me gasp and his tongue delved into my mouth. Sparks of desire raced across my skin.Never had I been kissed with such intensity before in my life. Not even with Jake.Immediately, a cold bucket of water splashed over in my mind. How could I forget Jake? I pushed Damien away, "You shouldn't have done that Damien. I have a boyfriend." Whose dead. Six years ago."Tell me you felt that." His blue eyes gazed into mine. He caged me against the wall."Felt what? I have no idea what you're talking about." I said coolly with a straight face. No way could I let Damien know how much he had affected me.A smirk crossed his handsome face, "You're lying agápē mou. I can see what you're feeling in your expressive blue eyes. Did you know that?"I was in so much trouble.


Miranda (Mel) Barone had always been a sucker for bad boys. It was until she met a Slade Kolosov who had rescued her, that she found a new definition of the term 'bad boy'. Recently moving into Chicago, Mel's world is turned upside down by the Russian Mobster.Ruling the Russian Mob in Chicago, everything is right in the world for Slade Kolosov. That is until a certain strawberry blonde took over his mind and thoughts. After rescuing her from a robbery, Slade is intrigued and drawn to her.Throw in rival gangs who are willing to do anything to take over the Underground word in Chicago, Mel's older brother who is the leader of the Italian Mafia, things would certainly get interesting.Could he convince her that loving a criminal isn't wrong and messed up as it seems?

Series #3.5: LOVING YOU

Grayson Kolosov is lonely.Haunted by his past, Grayson mostly shuts himself in and makes sure that no one gets too close to him. That is until smart, funny Claire literally runs into him.Claire Dubois is new in town.Finally free from her abusive ex-husband, Claire is finally getting a fresh start for herself and her son, Wyatt. However, Claire is drawn to the quiet handsome man at the park that she had ran into once.Has Grayson finally found a reason to let someone in? And is Claire ready to fall in love again despite her first disastrous relationship?

Series #4: THAT ONE KISS

On the night of her sixteenth birthday, Katerina Kolosov made the mistake of kissing her best friend's brother. Not that her best friend Alexandria Doukas (Lexi) wouldn't be okay with it. She'll be ecstatic.However, horrified at her actions, Kat pretends the kiss didn't happen and continues to move on with life while doing all that she can to avoid Raphael. Now eighteen, and with her best friend Lexi at her side, college would be a blast. That is until everything changes when Lexi's brother has decided to make Kat his after years of waiting. Can Kat deal with the possessive and demanding Raphael after years of trying to avoid the attraction between them?Who knew that one kiss could change everything?**"Ooooh get your hands off me!" I hissed as Raphael carried me over his shoulder and into one of the bedrooms."I mean it! You stupid barbarian!" I yelled and tried to wriggle my way out of his tight grasp and I opened my mouth to yell when one of his large hands landed on my bottom. Hard."Ow! What the hell is your problem? And get your hand off my butt!" I hissed as Raphael kept his hand on my bottom.I could hear him chuckle and I struggled and pounded my fists against his back viciously and growled angrily when he didn't seem to be affected by it.I let out a huff as I landed on the bed. "Listen here you stupid oaf! Let me out of this room!" I demanded and glared at the handsome devil in front of me."Didn't your parents ever teach you that it is rude to shout Katerina?" He said silkily as he watched me.I crossed my arms, "They did but I figured since it's just you, it doesn't matter."He raises an eyebrow and stalks closer towards me. Without a word, his head leaned in and slanted his lips over mine.With that, I was kissing Raphael Doukas.



Woo, that was long. No pun intended. And I know this is basically cheating but the Stories are about to either private or cut short because it is getting Published, which I am happy and not surprised.

I think that I have mention this before but there are Series that after the first Book, the rest either becomes too dull or not that appealing anymore. Which does really happen. I can mention a few but... let's not diverge into that.

Well... anyways, this Series I would say is one of the cleanest and happiest. And, yes, you don't have to read the first one to understand but everything will make sense if you do because the characters are all connected one way or the other.

Story wise - I think everyone would prefer Series #2.

Story Line wise - I think everyone would prefer Series #3.

But like I said, if you don't read Bad For Me and chose to read either Loving a Criminal or The Greek Playboy's Girl you would feel a little, just a little bit, confused and think how they are connected to one another so you would still stop, read the first and then go back to were you left.

Honestly, I started reading The Greek Playboy's Girl first and then when I felt something missing that is when I started reading Bad For Me and then everything will make sense. As in everything.

My favourites in order is:

1. Loving You

2. Loving a Criminal

3. The Greek Playboy's Girl

4. Bad For Me

5. That One Kiss

Basis of this is Story Wise.

I think I'm just babbling here because I don't have anything negative to say at all. They just really deserved to be here. That is just it.

No worries they will be rated based on their own and as a whole.



1. Bad For Me

9.2 out of 10 - I love it but it is missing something that the rest filled which is good.

2. The Greek Playboy's Girl

9.8 out of 10 - I love this Story sooooo bad; but, but, but it can't be a 10.

3. Loving A Criminal

9.9 out of 10 - Aren't I mean? But this is my favourite.

4. Loving You

9.9 out of 10 - If only it was a bit longer... no put intended

5. That One Kiss

9 out of 10 - I felt different about this Story than the rest. Like I'm not sure if it is because it is missing something or it doesn't feel like it should be part of it. I'm not sure.


As a Series I'll give this a 10 out of 10 because you cannot love or dislike one. 



The next Story will be private so I know it doesn't make sense for it to be in here but I just need it to be here. So... yeah.

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