Story #51&52: Tomassi Series

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AUTHOR: ali-lee



Mafia Protection:

Innocent Ella has been sheltered her entire life by her father's strict disciplinary rules. She has no idea what's in store for her when she meets Angelo Tomassi. Angelo is a strict man of business. His words are to the point and his expressions indifferent. Yet, when she looks deeper, his brown eyes are sad and reflective. He is alone. Angelo is also the most well-known crime boss in Miami. Death and destruction follow him wherever he goes. First she is tested to see if she can handle the mafia. Then she is attacked once she's there. Then she helplessly watches as the last memories of her mother fade with the wind.However, it only takes one kiss, and Ella willingly gives up her chance to leave the mafia for a chance at love with Angelo. Now that he has her, Angelo will never let her go. He will protect her at all costs whether she likes it or not. If that means killing her father...he will. (Excerpt)Ella breathed deep and shivered under his stature; but something about his expression bordered bewitching and fierce, as though his deep brown eyes could seduce and kill her in the same moment. Yet...she still paid no attention to his warning. "And what if I don't listen?" She glanced up at him; the tremble in her legs worsened with the serious gaze of his eyes."If you don't," Angelo slipped his hands around her cheeks, gently stroking them with his fingers and bringing her within an inch of his chest. "If you don't, it will be too late to change your mind."With that, he gently pressed her forehead with his lips and lifted, gazing at the spellbound look in her eyes. He knew what even his lightest kiss would do. With it, he sealed her fate.WARNING: I actively seek out plagiarists. Please reconsider before you steal my work. There are three versions of this story, all that belong to me. I watch for all copied material. Rewording of paragraphs is still plagiarism.

Dangerous Conceit

Poor, neglected Lexi was exchanged for debt at seventeen. At twenty-two, she is now a killer under the guise of bartender. Her and three friends have been under the strict hand of Moretti with no choice but to aid him in his savage attempts for power. Escaping him is futile. With a four year old girl in their midst, the women will do anything to protect her. They still have not found the girl's father, and the clues stop in Miami. Then Moretti raises the stakes. He wants Lexi and her friends to kill crime boss, Angelo Tomassi. He is insane. When he has them work as Angelo's employees, the women devise a plan of their own. They will ask Angelo for assistance in retaliating against Moretti. What Lexi does not foresee is falling for a sexy, business connoisseur who also happens to be Angelo's right hand man, Rafa. To make the matters worse, Angelo learns about the women's connection to Moretti, before they ever have the chance to explain. (Excerpt)Seth smirked at her answer. "Seems like attraction to me." He poured the mixture into the two remaining glasses and carefully placed them on a tray."Please, I was simply being cordial like a good employee. I promise you that I am in no way attracted to Mr. Paolini...just like any other man who comes in here.""Is that right?" Rafa rested both arms on the bar with contempt for her statement, a profuse blush now spreading across her cheeks at being overheard. "That is quite unfortunate for you, Lexi. After a remark like that, I just might make attempts to change your mind." He narrowed his eyes at her with a dangerously, challenging smirk upon his lips. Having heard the rumors about Rafa, Seth quickly grabbed the tray and maneuvered around Lexi's frozen body, refusing to look the man in the eyes."Come here, Alexis."



This is actually long overdue... I have finished it for a week now but I was just stressed out last week. Anyways...

This is most probably the cleanest Mafia Series I've read. I love it. It has hints of everything. What I definitely like the most is the fact that even if there is a Damsel in distress the protagonist doesn't change himself. It is much more lovelier that the protagonist sticks to who he is as the male lead of the Story which is very rare for a Mafia Series. I super love what and how the Author stick to it.

I like Dangerous Conceit more because of Rafa. Funnily but Rafa is the sole reason I like it more than MP (Mafia Protection). Idk. There is something about Rafa that hooks me up with him, alone, as a character. I kind of wish there is more of him and there is more to his Story and Lexi. I definitely adored them.

Story wise - no complaints.

Writing style - no complaints (because who am I to judge at all)

The only thing is the Ending... I really wish there is a lot more to it. Another one or a small Series where it showcases what, and how they are now right after everything. It feels little bit sad that it's just a glimpse of now for the Story but never a future. Although it makes your imagination run wild... still. I really wish for more for the Epilogues.



Mafia Protection:

9.2 out of 10 - I just like the number. xD

Dangerous Conceit

9.6 out of 10 - MORE, MORE, MORE. Please.


I'll have another one for Total Respect. :)

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