Chapter 1

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******************Becky's P.o.v.*******************

"Vanessa, can you believe its the last day of school?!" Emma shrieks to Vanessa as I shove the rest of my books into my locker grabbing the last textbook for my last class.

"Oh Emma can you calm down its only a few weeks without any classes nothing huge." I roll my eyes looking at her.

"What's wrong with you Becky? You used to love summer break!" Emma says with a confused look.

"Yeah well now I don't." I said. Only if they knew... 

"Okay then.." Emma says quietly to Vanessa as she stays quiet. 

"Look I'm sorry I'm just not in the mood right now to even talk about break." I said.

"Why? What happened Rebbeca?" Vanessa asks as I shut my locker.

"My dad can't spend summer break with my brother and I, he's leaving for a private vacation." I sigh and we began to walk.

"Oh I'm sorry Becks." Vanessa says as her and Emma look at me. That was partially the truth but then I have another reason but I can't tell them... at least not yet.

"Its fine, I have my brother to spend summer break with. I know you both are busy going on vacations with your families and such." I said.

"Yeah but hey if I had a choice I would bring you with me as well." Vanessa says.

"Same here." Emma says, before I knew it someone rushed into me causing me to fall with my book.

"YOU'RE DEAD SANTOS!" I hear someone yell.

"I'm so sorry!" The kid said as he got up and helped me up giving me back my textbook.

"It's fine what's going on?" I asked in confusion.

"My cousin and I were throwing ball in the hall way and Austin was standing there. The ball accidentally hit Austin in the head so he got mad and I made a run for it that's when-"

"Okay, what's your name?" I asked quickly before seeing Austin behind him.

"Jeremy Santos." He whispers. I confidently stood in front of Austin.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks glaring at me.

"What does it look like I'm doing?! Don't you dare do anything to Jeremy it was an accident." I said in a stern tone.

"Who says I take orders from you?" He asks getting closer to my face,

"Okay if you're going to breathe in my face use a mint." I said making a grossed out look on my face which made everyone crowded around us laugh but made Austin mad.

"Look Ms.Gomez, why are you defending Santos? He's the one who hit me." He says.

"You forgot the accidentally part which means he didn't mean to hit you on purpose just back off." I glared.

"Oh, I get it, you two are together aren't you?" He says as the bell rung for the last class of the day, everyone scattered to get to their last period of the semester while Austin and I just stood there glaring at each other.

"Becky lets just go." Vanessa said pulling my arm with her.

"No, its fine just get to class I'm going to skip its the last day anyways." I said as her and Emma nodded leaving for class. I look back at Austin and saw him laughing, 

"Jeremy go to class I'll handle this." I said which made him nod and scatter away.

"Why are you laughing?!" I glare back at him.

"I didn't know you were such a 'rebel'" He says as he air quotes the rebel part, I roll my eyes.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I said.

"Oh shut up don't start with that crap back to the topic you guys are together huh?" He smirks.

"So what if we are? What's it to you? Nothing, so shut the fuck up and leave him alone. It was just an accident Austin can't you just get that through your head?!" I asked.

"Oh my god, I hate you! Why do you have to care about every fucking person in this world? What did they ever do for you?" He asks.

"They don't have to do anything for me, I'm just nice like that.. you should try that sometime." I rolled my eyes.

"What if I don't?" He asks crossing his arms.

"Nothing. I don't even know why I'm still talking to you, you disgust me." I said as I just walked past by him ignoring whatever he said after that, I walked back to my locker and threw my last textbook in there with the rest of the other books. Yeah I know, why am I leaving my textbooks here during the summer? Well the teachers have to take time out of their break to collect all of the books in the lockers instead of collecting them in class. I know weird, right? 

I walk out of the school making a left turn down the block trying to think of ways how to make this summer good without getting hurt. I pulled my sleeves more down to cover my hands from the sun and I fixed my sunglasses running my fingers through my hair one more time before covering them up again. So, let me tell you a little bit about myself, I just turned 17 a few months ago and my two best friends are Emma and Vanessa, they both are the same age as I am just that Vanessa's the oldest one out of us three. Austin has been my arch enemy since we were kids, I really don't know how or why but we've been enemies since then all I know is that it's his fault my mother died so I hate him for that. Moving on to my mother... she was the most sweetest person you'll ever meet, I loved everything about her, her hair was so smooth and soft she would always smell good, she was harmless to everyone she knew, and she died when I was 9. I remember almost everything about her.. she was very gentle and nice, she loved my brother and I equally always treated us both fair but now that she's gone my father has been very distant from us and hardly ever spoke to us about anything. The day she died my father locked himself up in his room for quite a few days, we'd always bring him lunch and left it in front of his room, and he would grab it when we were out of sight and ate that to keep him alive. I miss my mother so much, she was the only one I had to look up to and now she's gone thanks to Austin. Enough about that stubborn idiot, I finally arrived home to find my brother barely opening the front door.

"Just got back home as well?" I asked.

"Yeah dad left a while ago he said to tell you goodbye and that he'll see you when he gets back." He says as he swung the door open.

"Alright." I shrugged. 

Let summer break begin.. 




/////A\N\\\\: Hey chipmunks this is my new fanfiction I just started and yeah I'll update the next chapter right now, I'll keep updating on the other ones too! I start school on Tuesday )))): so I'll be updating more tonight, tomorrow morning and night, then monday morning and that monday night as well ughh I don't want to go back!! Especially since I'm going to be a freshman. >.< well I hope you all love this story as much as I'm going to! Vote and Comment!<3

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