“Yeah sure thing. If you find my shoes just text me I don't want to look.” stan said as he followed Zayn to the front door.

“See you tonight Harry.” Zayn shouted before the door slammed. I looked around at the place, it was a huge mess. I looked up a maid service and called. They wouldn't be here for a while so I decided to go crash in my bed. As I walked back to our bedroom most of the house looked pretty clean. I opened up the guest bedroom and saw robin past out but all together not looking too rough. Just hope our room is untouched.

I opened the door and sighed in relief. It was spotless besides the unmade bed from yesterday. I stripped out of my clothes and crawled into bed. I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt someone sit up next to me.

“The larry shippers would be ecstatic right now.” I heard Louis mumble.

“Lou, get out.” I mumbled.

“Don't have to tell me twice. You reek of liquor. Its making me sick.” he said rolling off the bed. He felt for the wall, trying stabilizing himself. “God that was fun.”

“Too much fun. Now leave.” I said grumpily.

“Alright bossy pants. I'll just see myself out you lousy host.” he mumbled before shutting the door. I woke up an hour later to Chelsea trying to quietly close the door. She dropped her bags and pulled her dress off revealing a matching set that made my pulse race a bit. She crawled in bed and wiggled in next to me. I pulled her in tighter.

“You aren't as quiet as you think.” I said nuzzling into her.

“Sorry. By the way the house looks great, good job.” she said tangling her feet with mine. Her eyes fluttered close.

I smiled, maids must have come in when Louis was leaving. “You know me, always a tidy fellow.”

“By the way the maids left the bill on the entry table.” she said with a little smug smile on her gorgeous face. “Your aren't as sneaky as you think.” she said with a little giggle as she snuggled in closer. I chucked and the both of us drifted off to sleep.


“So after the strippers left we all just danced around and talked until about 4:30 or something like that. It was so much fun and surprisingly no one got real sloppy. Especially compared to you guys. Did Stan really have on the stripers heels?” Chelsea asked as we pulled up to long driveway leading to Els family country home.

“Yeah it was quite a laugh this morning. I never even found his shoes. You’re going to love this place.” I said as we saw the lights from the house twinkle through the trees. I had been out here a few times over the years. It was a big old house in the middle of the English country, perfect place to get away from it all and relax. “Wish we wouldn't have slept so late so you could have seen it before it got dark. Tomorrow we will have to go for a walk, its gorgeous.”

“Okay sounds like a date. At least we won't be the last ones here. Charlotte just texted me saying they are just now on there way.” Chelsea said glancing at her phone. We parked in the huge circle drive along with the other cars. We grabbed our bags and headed into the house.

“Hello anyone here?” I bellowed into the quiet house. Our group was never quiet.

“Harry?” I heard Lottie say from the kitchen. She walked into view a few seconds later, holding two wine bottles.

“Hey Lottie which room do we get? And where the heck is everyone?” I asked knitting my brows together.

“You guys are in the first room on the left, in the back hallway. And we are all outside come out and join us once you’ve got settled.” she said as we started to make our way towards the back bedrooms. “Oh and Chels love your pants. Raawwrrrrr!” she said giggling before turning to go outside.

Growing Up or Falling Down? (Completed1DSequel)Where stories live. Discover now