Chapter Sixteen

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* This chapter is going to be in third person *
Third Person P.O.V.

Quinn got up feeling ill. She didn't want to go to school so she went and found Bruce. She found him in his lab. " Bruce I don't feel good." She said. Bruce checked her temperature and saw that it was 102F. " You can stay home from school. Just don't let Felix notice. I'll call in. " He said.

Quinn walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. She the grabbed the cold medicine and took some. She walked back to her room and closed the door. She closed the blinds and laid back down. She took a drink of her water. She texted her friends that she wasn't going to be at school. She then went back to sleep.

Tony was walking around the house when he noticed Quinn's white converse weren't gone. They were sitting next to the door. He walked to the lab where Bruce was. "Why hasn't Quinn left for school yet?" He asked. "She's sick. She had a fever of 102. " He said. Tony shook his head. " I'm going to go check on her." said Tony.

He walked to Quinn's room and opened the door. He walked over to her sleeping body. She usually snores. So he got a little closer. " Quinn , wake up." He said. She didn't move. " Come on Quinn , I'm not joking. " He said. She didn't move.
He checked her pulse. Nothing. He started crying. He grabbed his phone and dialed 911.

He carried Quinn down to the first floor.
The ambulance met him there. Bruce and the rest of the Avengers. Thor holding a sleeping Felix. Loki holding a crying Tyler. Bruce and Tony hugging. No one knew what was happening.She was fine the day before and now she was fighting for her life. Tony made sure to keep it out of the media. Tyler didn't let it get spread around S.H.I.E.L.D. Bruce was at the hospital. Clint and Natasha were watching Felix.

Quinn was actually fighting for her life. Her air ways were closed. Her stomach was trying to make her throw up everything in her stomach. She didn't what was going on. She was actually pretty much dead , they kept trying to help her.

Then they finally got her stable. She was breathing through tubes. She looked dead. But she was stable. In her head she was dreaming about the day she graduates. Seeing family all dressed up.
But in real life She was struggling. Barely breathing. Bruce sat on his computer working on what could be wrong with her.
He wasn't happy. She about died.

Felix didn't know what was going on but He was pulled out of school for the rest of the week. He was just doing his thing.

All the Avengers were just thinking. Tyler was the worst at this. She had lost so many people it wasn't funny. She lost the mom she never knew. Her closest of friends. Coulson. She was left to fend for her self at one point.

But Tyler wouldn't let Quinn die though. She wouldn't let it happen.

* Hey guys! I made a new book and you all should check is out. It's called Third Generation. Go check it out! * ~ Tyler A. Fury

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