Chapter Five

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Tony's P.O.V.

Bruce and I have been talking about adopting another kid, maybe younger than Quinn as to give us more time with them. Bruce said that we should probably have the discussion with Quinn before we make any real decisions.

Quinn's P.O.V.

     I was walking around the tower, looking at stuff when I heard Tony and Bruce talking about something. They were standing outside of their room and talking in a whisper.

" Tony. The kid had the same parents as Quinn. When in a million years do you find out that your child has a sibling they didn't know about? Especially when she was given up but he wasn't," Bruce said while putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

" I understand how crazy this sounds, but he's five years old and he needs a family. If we just discuss it with Quinn, maybe she'll understand, " says Tony while putting his hand on Bruce's shoulder.

Wait, my real parents had another kid. Why would they do that when they didn't want me? I wanted to move closer to hear them but I lost my grip on the wall only to fall on my face.

" Quinn! Are you alright? " Asked Tony coming to my side. I try not to look up at him because the tears are running down my face. My parents didn't want me but they wanted to keep my brother? I never even got to meet him.

" Yea-h I'm fffine," I say getting up and looking at the ground.

" Quinn, how much of the conversation did you hear? " Asked Bruce sounding worried.

" Enough to understand my parents never wanted me. "

" Quinn. They don't matter, what matters now is that you have a little brother that needs a home. " says Tony in a calming voice.

" What? Did they decide to give him up too? " I said with pain leaking from my voice.

" No, they passed away a few months back in a car accident. He doesn't have anyone except you now. "

I stop talking and think about how it would be good for him to be here instead of being stuck in a group home like I was. I don't want him to go through what I went through.

" Will you guys please adopt him? I don't want him to go through the system like I did. He doesn't deserve it. "

" We promise we won't let him go through the system, honey. I promise." says Tony whilst pulling me in for a hug.

" Thank you. "

( Skip to a few weeks later )

So Tony and Bruce brought Felix home today. They noticed how much we looked alike at just first glances. We're are sitting at the dinner table. I was just picking at my food. I haven't had lessons this week because all the paperwork of adopting Felix and bringing him home.

" So Felix if you don't mind me asking what did your mother look like?" Asked Tony.

" She kinda looked like Quinn. You and my mommy looked a lot alike. " He said smiling at me. Tony and Bruce had asked me not to mention us having the same parents yet so that Felix can settle in without issues.

" May I be excused? "

" Yes, " says Tony allowing me to get up and wash my plate.

I walked to my room and laid down. I was angry. I was sad , but I was mostly angry. She gave me up when I was four. She waited eight years to have another child. What made this situation worse was the fact that I never met my dad. My mother got pregnant right before my dad shipped off to Afghanistan. He never came home in the time that I was living with my mom. She never wanted me.

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's 3 am. I think I might just go down to the gym and beat the hell out of a punching bag since I can't sleep. I changed into a tank top and some sweats. I put my gym shoes on and walk to the elevator. When I got to the gym , I walked to the boxing area. The light was on that shines on the punching bag. I wrapped my hands and started punching. The anger in my body began to send me back to where it all began....

" Mommy , do I have a daddy?" I asked.

" Yes baby, but he's away fighting bad guys " She said.

" When will he be back?" I asked.

" Soon. But, you won't be home to see him."

"Why not?" I asked excitedly.

" Daddy doesn't know you exist baby, Mommy can't afford to keep you. So, I'm sending you to a home to live with other children, " She said.

" Really Mommy? " I asked.

" Yes baby. You'll get to play all day until you're old enough to go to school." She said as the car came to a stop. It was still dark outside and cold. She come to my seat unbuckling me and helping me out of the car. She walks me up to the door setting down a duffle bag next to me.

" Knock on the door as soon as you can't see mommy's car anymore." She said before she handed me a note and told me to give it to who answers the door.

She drove away. When I could see her car anymore I knocked on the door. I older woman answered the door. She brought me inside....

" QUINN!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and saw Tony. I collapsed on the ground crying. She left me. She left me. I continuously said while I cried.

Tony sprinted over to me and held me in his arms. " Who left you?" asked Tony.
" My mom. She left me. She just left." I said. That was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

~~~ The next day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out into the kitchen the next morning to see Thor shirtless eating poptarts, Loki having a stare down with Felix, Natasha making pancakes, Clint half asleep on the floor, and lastly Tony and Bruce eating cereal while talking about science. I walked around grabbing everything I needed to make for a bowl of cereal. I finished making my food and sat in front of the TV. I turned on Disney channel to see that Kim possible was on.


Felix walked in and sat next to me.
" Hilo Quinn." He said.

" Yolo Felix." I said.

" What are you watching?" He asked.

" Kim Possible. Its a old TV show." I said.

" Quinn. Do you like me?" He asked in a worried tone. I felt my heart break a little knowing that I was a little off when he first came here.

" Oh , Felix I love you! I might not seem like it, but I'm warming up to you." I said. I stood up, grabbing Felix into a bone crushing hug

When I sat him down, I saw his eyes sparkle with a new found happiness. Everything is going to be alright. 

Adopted By Tony Stark?! #wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن