Chapter Six

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Quinn's P.O.V.

Tony and Bruce decided it would be best if I went to public school. They wanted me to get out more and be exposed to more normal people. I don't really enjoy the idea of it but whatever.

School starts at 8 and ends at 2:30. It's 6:30 a.m. right now. It only takes me 30 minutes to get there so I'm going to make myself look nice for my first day. I took a ten minute shower, I got out and straightened my hair, and put my make up on. I put on a plaid blue shirt, skinny jeans , and some white converse I grabbed my canvas backpack, grabbed a pancake from the counter in the kitchen and walked to the elevator.

" HAVE A GOOD FIRST DAY!!" I hear being yelled by the whole team.

" I'LL TRY. " I yell back before the elevator closes.

After I parked my car in between a Hummer and Carmero. I locked my car and started walking to the entrance.  I saw a bunch of guys throwing a football around. A group of girls putting more makeup on their faces than they already had. I continued to walk to the front office where I saw the secretary.

" Excuse me Ma'am , I'm new here and I need my schedule." I said nicely.

" Okay. I just need you name miss." She said.

" Quinn Stark." I said and she gave me this look before she printed out my schedule and I walked out. Yesterday, I had come to the school to be shown around before I started.

My first class was Advanced Allgebra.
I walked into the room an saw a bunch of guys. There was one other girl. She didnt look like she would talk to anyone.

" Hello!" Said a short leprechaun looking man. He had a round belly and red hair.

" Hello." I said.

" Are you Miss.Quinn Stark?" He asked.

" Yes. Are you Mr.Xavier?" I asked.

" Yes! I am. I would like you to sit next to Amelia. She is Deaf. Do you know sign language?" He asked.

" Yes I do." I said. I took my seat in the back of the class next to Amelia. I tapped her shoulder.

" Hello, I'm Quinn." I signed to her.

" Hello." She signed back. " You might want to pay attention." she signed. I took her advice and paid attention.

We didn't end up with homework because we had plenty of time to finish it in class. My next class was World History in 15. It was a class were they would explain a topic in history in 15 minutes and you had 30 minutes to complete a quiz on it. I loved fast. So I'll ace this class.

It's lunch time. I'm walking to lunch when I run into someone.

" Im so sorry." I say. I look at who I ran into to see a tall attractive guy.

" It's alright. It's actually my fault. I'm trying to keep away from those guys," He pointed to the guys behind him walking up to us.

" I got this." I said and put him behind me.

" Oh look. You have to have the new girl protect you?" the guy questioned. He did a look over on me.

" Names Ryan. You are?" He asked with a smirk.

" Names Quinn Stark." I said.

" Why Dont you move Quinn so I beat this guy." He said.

" I'm not moving." I said.

" I'll make you move." He said he tried grabbing my arm before I grabbed his collar.

" You lay off or so help me god I will beat you to a pulp. I might be little but I can make a grown man cry." I said. He looked shocked but grabbed his friends and walked away.

" How'd you do that?" the guy behind me asked.

" I was raised in a group home. I don't really care for bullies." I said.

" Dan Evens." He said while putting out his hand.

" Quinn Stark." I said.

" Daughter of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner." I continued.

" Son of Greg Evens and Samantha Evens." He said. We shook hands and exchanged numbers. Looks like I made a friend.

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The rest of the day went fine until I got home. I walked through the door.

" I'M HOME!" I yelled.

" Hello Quinn." said Clint who was sitting on the couch watching TMZ.

" Hey Clint." I said. I put my bag down by the door and walked into the kitchen to see a girl with black curly hair , midnight black eyes , and brown skin.

" Hi?" I questioned not knowing who this chick was.

"Oh! Hi. I'm Tyler. Fury's daughter and a member of the Avengers." She said. FURY HAS A DAUGHTER?!

" I know what your thinking. How could Fury have a kid. Well it's true and real. " She said then Loki walked into the kitchen.

" Tyler , you're back!" He said pulling her into a hug. He kissed her and she kisses back.

" Quinn. Tyler is my girlfriend. She's an avenger, she's been off on a mission for a few months," He said.

" Okay. Not like I have a decision, but I don't mind." I said while grabbing a water and walking to the living room.

About thirty minuets later Bruce walks in with an excited Felix. I stand up and Felix runs to me and hugs me.

" How was school little bro?" I asked.

" it was alright. I made a friend today!" he said with excitement.

" Cool! What is his name?" I asked.

" His names is William Evens." He said. He might be Dan's brother.

" Cool!" I said.

" I'm going to go do my homework. When I get down if its not to late , I'll take you to the park , Okay?" I asked.

" Okay!" He said and hurried off.

" So how was your day Quinn?" asked Bruce.

" It was okay. I stopped a kid from being beat up by bullies." I said.

" Okay.....Did you make any friends?" he asked.

" Yeah. His name is Dan Evens." I said. " Ironic. " He said.

" Yep." I said. I then went and did my homework. I took Felix to the park afterwards where we run into Dan and William.

" Hey Quinn." says Dan. Felix and William had run to play on the swings at that point.

" Hey Dan." I said. We walked and talked until Dan and William had to leave. " Bye Guys!" I said.

" Bye!" They yelled back.

When we got home, we ate dinner, then I helped Tony and Bruce tuck Felix into bed. I went to bed shortly afterwards due to a long day. I changed into my PJs and did my nightly routine before laying down. I checked my phone one last time before I drifted peacefully to sleep.

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