Chapter Nine

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Quinn's P.O.V.
I see Niall , Dan , Amelia , And Nick. We're hanging out at Star Bucks. Amelia sitting on Nick's lap, Niall has his arm over my shoulder , Dan is sitting with some girl. I wasn't jealous. We were all laughing and enjoying everything. Then the freeze like when you pause a movie. I get up out of my seat and look around. I walked out of Star Bucks. I looked around. Everything was white. My eyes fluttered open after this. I looked at the ceiling which was white. Mine was blue so I'm not in my room where am I. I looked around to see I was in the hospital. I see my leg in a baby blue cast with signatures on it.

I saw Tony asleep in a chair, Nat and Bruce asleep in a corner , Clint asleep , Thor asleep , Steve asleep in another chair with Felix asleep in his lap. Loki asleep next to Thor , and Tyler asleep in the chair next to me holding my hand. I smiled. They are here because they care. I wonder how Amelia , Dan , and Nick are? I see my phone on my bedside table. It was in my purse. Which is on the table too. I grabbed my phone and texted Dan.

He texted back. 'Hey! Your awake! I'm okay to answer you question. Amelia is fine too. She needs to talk to you in person though. Nick broke his arm but he is okay.Are you okay?'

I texted him back,' Yeah. Just a broken leg and I think the stitched my right lung shut after the pulled out the giant shard if metal.'

Dan,' That's great. I got out yesterday along with Amelia and Nick. '

I looked at the date and saw that it was the 22nd. It was the 16th when we crashed. I've been in coma for a week!

Me,' So I was in Coma for a week. '

Dan,' Yep. Hey My dad is going to drop Amelia , Nick , and I off at the Hospital to visit you.'

I looked at the time. It was 9 in the morning.

Me,'Bring me breakfast.'

Dan,' Okay. Is McDonalds okay?'

Me,' Yes.'

Dan,' Okay. Be there in 20. See you then.'

Me,' Bye.'

I decided it would be cool to text Niall.

Me,' Hey Niall. It's Quinn.'

Niall,' Hey Quinn! How are you?'

Me,' I'm fine. I broke my leg.'

Niall,' Oh! Are you okay?'

Me,' Yeah. '

Niall,' So, Do you have a boyfriend?'

Me,' No. Why?'

Niall,' Cause I am going to ask you out. Will you go out with me?'

Me,' Yes! I gtg. My friend are here at the hospital to visit me.'

Niall,' I'm still in NYC. Can I come visit you?'

Me,' Sure , Bye see you then.'

I looked up at Dan , Amelia , and Nick.
" Be quiet. They're asleep." I said/signed

" Quinn there is no need to use sign language anymore. The crash gave me my hearing back." said Amelia.

"AWESOME!" I said. " Yeah. You can finally show music to me , and call me on the phone. We could do anything!" She said.

I hugged them all and we ate the McDonalds while talking. As they were leaving Niall walked in with some flowers and a teddy bear. " Hey Niall." I said.
"Hey Quinn. I got you some flowers and a bear." He said while handing them to me.
"Thank You. " I said.

We talked until he had to leave. No one woke up until like 4 in the afternoon. They were all so happy. I love them so much.

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