XXXIV - Wooden Bullets

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Kieran was interrupted by that little 'high-and-mighty' police chief. "You answer to us."

Klaus burst out laughing, and I almost did too. "Okay, I'm sorry, let me get this straight," he said, pointing over at the police chief. "I'm to play supplicant to this pompous ass, and his ridiculous group of petty thieves?" he gestured to the other humans, then sighed in amusement and walked closer to the chief, who didn't back down.

However, I did hear an increase in his heartbeat.

"Here are my terms," Klaus said, his tone now turning to a cold one. "You will take whatever scraps I see fit to leave you, and you will be grateful. If that doesn't suit you, I may decide you've outlived your usefulness."

I snickered at Klaus' words, following him as he walked down the aisle. Marcel was right behind me, and I could tell that he definitely didn't find the situation funny at all.

An hour or so later, we found ourselves in one of the popular vampire hangouts. It was a bar with tinted windows, which meant they were UV protected. Many of the night walkers came here when the sun was up.

I offered to go get some whiskey and glasses, and Klaus and Marcel both nodded to me before they both took a seat. I came back and set two glasses in front of them, then sat down and poured the whiskey into each glass.

"Thank you, love," Klaus said, smiling at me before taking a sip of the liquid. Marcel muttered a distracted 'thanks', and I raised a brow at him. It seemed that Klaus noticed his mood as well.

Klaus sighed. "I think I was far more gracious than I deserved," he glanced over at Marcel, who now seemed more angry than distracted. "You're disappointed by my lack of diplomacy. Well, you of all people, should need no reminder of the human capacity for cruelty."

Marcel stayed silent, and I sighed before downing the whiskey and then setting the glass back down.

Klaus' phone began to buzz in his pocket, and he stood up. He answered it, and judging from the strangely curious look on his face, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" he said into the phone, and I could hear his nervous tone.

Marcel and I both glanced at each other before listening in on the conversation.

"Mr. Mikaelson," I heard the police chief say from the other end of the line. "We just wanted to let you know the faction's considered your terms. We've reached a decision."

"Have you?" he said, right before the windows were suddenly smashed to pieces.

The night walkers all began to scream as their skin and clothes quickly caught fire. Everyone was running about, and Marcel and I both attempted at grabbing some of them and taking them into the shade, when bullets suddenly sprayed the side of the building.

Marcel and I were hit first, and we both fell to the ground, leaving the night walkers to burn. I wanted to help them, but I couldn't. Not when I now had four bullet holes in my chest. Klaus went down after us, holding onto the edge of the table as he grunted in pain.

As I laid on the ground, breathing heavily, I began to realize that there were four holes, but only three went completely through me. "Fuck," I whispered hoarsely. "Klaus!" I said, and he grunted again before looking over at me. "I have a problem."

"What?" he growled, looking down at the bullet in his own chest and the other two in Marcel's.

"I think I have-" I groaned as another wave of pain shot through me. "A wooden bullet in my heart."

His eyes widened slightly, and he nodded before moving over to me. Instead of just helping me there, he grabbed my arms and dragged me over to the other side of the bar, where it was safe from the bullets.

"Okay," he exhaled. "I'll try and get it out, love. This is going to hurt. A lot."

I sighed. "I know."

He exhaled again, then swallowed and inspected the hole. "It's about an inch or two in. I think I can get it out with my fingers."

I nodded to him, and he did it quickly. I gasped when I felt the hole beginning to close, right after he had dug out the bullet. He had done it so fast that I could barely even see it. But I sure as hell did feel it.

"Thank you," I said, and he nodded again before standing up and sticking his non-bloody hand out to me. I took it, and he lifted me up into a standing position. I held onto the edge of the table, and he stood there for a moment to make sure I was alright, then went over to Marcel. He helped him up as well, and I saw that the both of them had bullets that had gone right through their bodies. They would be fine. Their wounds were probably almost healed by now.

Marcel looked around angrily, staring at the people he had once called his friends. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" He repeated, grabbing a table and flipping it on it's side. He whipped around and pointed at Klaus. "This is on you! Now that you're in charge, those are your guys layin' dead! YOUR guys! You're gonna run this city, that better mean something to you, otherwise no one worth a damn is gonna follow you. No one."

I sighed softly, standing up straight and leaving the table alone. I walked over to Klaus, standing beside him. He glanced over at me before smiling at Marcel. "I was beginning to worry about you. I don't think I could've taken any more of this deferential nonsense. I mean, clearly, I underestimated the faction. That won't happen again. But tell me, now that we've arrived at this point," he took a step towards Marcel, his expression now turning to an angry and determined one. "Now that they have come into our home, visited this upon our people... How would you counsel me to respond?"

Marcel was even angrier than me. And I didn't think that was possible, seeing how I was currently imagining very unique and violent ways to murder the people of the faction.

"Let's go kill them all," he growled.

This is gonna be fun.

Eternal || Elijah Mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن