A Ballad for the Moon

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"You shouldn't be here, Kathie," Cecelia told her as she approached the young teen, "We haven't captured your friend's assailant yet," she informed her as Katherine merely looked at her with uninterested eyes, "You'd be in danger if you stay here, alone too."

"Can I stay here for a few minutes?" Katherine bargained as the mage stared at her for a minute and gave a silent nod; she sat next to her and wondered what went in her head, aware that it must be something that troubled her.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Frankly, I have nothing to tell you."

"Obviously a lie."

"Why does everyone doubt me?"

Cecilia chuckled at her question, which made the young blonde stare at her. It was obvious that something bothered her, not because she dodged the question, but simply because of her being there; wolves have a tendency to embrace nature when troubled and Cecilia new it well enough.

"We don't doubt you," Cecilia responded as she leant back down as well, "You say nothing bothers you, but everyone can see it," she explained as Katherine noted it, "We just care about you, Kathie."

Katherine groaned, "So, even Athena and Thessie knew?"

"Hmm," Cecilia hummed, "I guess they caught on from last night."

Katherine sighed, "They will bombard me with questions soon."

"Only because-"

"You care, I know," Katherine completed her sentence which made the light brown haired mage sit up and smile at her, "And I thank you guys for doing so."

A dash of red crossed her features ones again, Cecilia found her utterly cute even though her eyes looked away as though she did not care at all; it was not true because Katherine always cared. She just did not know how to show it, but it was normal for anyone going through adolescence.

Standing up, Cecilia stretched her arms as she offered her hand to her young friend, who took it without question; she was one to honour her deal. Katherine stared at the glade for a moment and took in the fresh air, then tried to find a mark. She would return here once more without interruptions.

"By the way," Katherine spoke as they walked in tandem, "What are you doing here, Cecil?"

Cecilia hummed momentarily, "To see pretty girls and handsome boys then make them my slaves?"

"Besides your fetish," Katherine groaned at her response and rolled her eyes, "I meant, what are you doing here?"

Cecilia turned to her, "Well, you're no fun," she chuckled as Katherine rolled her eyes once more, "Athena asked me to investigate the essence in the forest," she explained as they entered the dirt path back to the institution, "She wanted my opinion on the matter, so I came and tried to find the source."

"Did you find it?" Katherine questioned.

Cecilia shook her head, "It was as Jesslyn said; the chant disappeared without a trace."

"I see," Katherine nodded in response as she lowered her gaze to the ground, "I guess even you can be wrong."

Cecilia raised a brow, "I beg your pardon?"

"Well," Katherine trailed for a moment, "Even for an infamous mage, you sure don't know much."

Cecilia frowned at her, "That hurts you know."

"Sorry," Katherine apologised as Cecilia merely chuckled at her, "But really though," she spoke, "Is this new to you?"

Cecilia shook her head, "Can't say I haven't seen this kind of thing before."

Whispers Under the Moonlight [Lesbian Story]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat