The Palantir

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I ran back into the hall, and to the evil spirit. I sprinted to the room next to the guys room, and burst into the door. I quickly took in the scene.

Pippin was on the floor grasping the Palantir, and he was silently screaming. Merry was over at Gandalf trying to wake him. I didn't know what to do, so I quickly ran forward and plucked the Palantir from the in pain hobbit. 

Right as my hands made contact, the evil spread into my soul. Saron was holding me again by my neck over Mount Doom. "What is the Rangers next move?" He said squezzing me. I started gasping for air, and my legs swung. The heat from the volcano was burning the bottom of my feets. "Show me your secrets." He growled. "

"Never" I chocked out. I saw his eyes close, and he squezzed me harder. I was surpirsed that my head didn't popped off. 

"Where is my Ring?" He asked.

"I will never tell you anything" I growled gasping for air.

"Then I have no choice, but to kill you" He said throwing me down. As I sailed down closer to the lava, I kept getting hotter and hotter. This was no dream, if I hit the lava, I knew I would die. There was nothing I could do to save myself. 

I shut my eyes right before I hit the lava, but I felt no scorching hot lava. Instead I felt gentle warm arms. 

Before I understood what was going on. I heard my name being called. "Felicia," Someone said in an urgent voice. "Felicia, you have to open your eyes. Felicia!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Aragorn touching my face. "Oh thank goodness!" He said hugging me. 

I was till really confused until he pulled back and Gandalf was staring at me. "How do you feel?" He asked. 

"Hot" Was all I could choke out. People in the room started to laugh. 

"What did you see?" He asked baring his eyes into me. 

"I saw Saron, and Mount Doom." I said zoning out reliving the nightmare. "He wanted to know our next move, and he wanted to know where the Ring was." I was shaking from being scared, and I was sweating. Gandalf moved away, and Aragorn Legolas and Eomer came into view. 

"You saw him?" Aragorn asked wiping sweat off my forehead. I nodded. I was getting limp. "Lets get you to bed" he said picking me up, I so weak. 

He brought me to Eowyens room and placed me on my bed next to the window. It was pitch black, until Legolas walked in with a candle. I laid there motionless staring at the ceiling. Aragorn grabbed a chair, and sat down next to the bed stroking me cheek. 

We sat like this for awhile, until Aragorn moved back some of my hair and revealed something on my neck. "Felicia! What happened to your neck? It's bruised, badly." He said touching it. I flinched. 

"Saron was choking me." I said closing my eyes. I quickly drifted into an uneasy sleep.

                                                                     Legolas' Point of View

 I watched as Felicia fell asleep. I felt so guilty for everything. I can't believe I was so heartless. 

I took a seat in a chair on the other side of Felicia's bed. Aragorn kept stroking her cheek. "Why did you say those things to her?" He asked in a harsh tone. 

"I do not know," I said ashamed. "It came out of my mouth before I could stop it. It just made me so mad that she didn't listen to us." 

"I know you were mad, but that was no reason to say those things to her." Aragorn said getting mad.

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