Chapter 6

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Brittany laid in her bed late at night, listening to music while trying to finish her homework. She was quietly muttering the words to herself, hoping it'd make her Spanish homework a lot less boring.

...'Nope, not working.' She gave up after the first verse. 

The blonde threw her homework onto the floor, then proceeded to sprawl out all over her bed. She reached down and picked up her soccer ball. 


She groaned, throwing the ball against the wall before lazily falling onto the floor and pushing herself up.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Brittany yelled back as she opened her door, coming face to face with her mother.

"Where have you been?"

"Where? Just now? I was out getting high with some college boys while spray painting public restrooms." She replied sarcastically, earning a kick from the older woman. 'You kick like a toddler.' She thought about saying, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Don't use that tone with me! Why weren't you at counseling?" 

"You mean the counseling the judge ordered you to have? Probably because I. Don't. Care." And with that, the soccer star slammed the door shut. She could still hear her mother yelling as she climbed out the window.


"So... you like her?"

"No! I hate her! I hate her stupid motorcycle, her stupid jokes, her stupid blonde hair...her beautiful blue eyes..." Santana could picture the blonde standing in the distance, as Jessie's eyes widen.

"How the fuck did you go from stupid to beautiful?"

"Her eyes are too beautiful to call stupid...even if she is an idiot."

"You so totally like her."

"No! I hate her! I hate her stupid-" Jessie zoned out here, knowing that she was just going to repeat what she said earlier. He knew this cause he had asked her about five times if she liked Brittany and she always answered the same way.

"San, I'm going to stop you right there. You totally have a thing for her, or else you wouldn't have dragged me here just to complain about your soccer player."

The Latina kept opening and closing her mouth, trying to find a way to deny what Jessie had said.

"Hey, I don't mean to worry you or anything, but I think that's your girl over there." He said, nodding his head towards the front door. Santana froze in her seat, her eyes widening before hiding her face in her arms. She raised her head a second later, finding that Jessie had left her.

"Whats a pretty girl like you doing here alone?"

'Damn it Jessie!'

She turned around and saw Jessie looking at Brittany with the same flirtatious smile he had used on her when they first met.

"Um, getting coffee I guess. I've never been here before so..."

"Really now? Well I happen to come here quite often with one of my friends when I have time off."


"You wanna get out of here?" She felt like ripping off the vocal adrenaline stars throat as she watched him flirt with the blonde. Santana knew Jessie was gay, but it didn't make her feel any less mad.

"I'm, a, not sure you're my type."

"So what're you into then? Football players? Math wiz's? Band geeks?"

"Um I-"

"Oh! I think I know you're type. cheerleaders."


" cheerleaders." Some strange guy stated, smirking as he watched the blonde's face drop.

"Why would you think that?" 

"I have a hunch, and gaydar."

"I thought only gay people have gaydar."

"Straight people can have it too, but not in my case, I'm totally gay." Brittany bit her bottom lip and nodded. 'This guy is very strange...'

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I have info on a secret admirer of yours, you know, if you maybe want a girlfriend anytime soon..." Jessie said before flashing his signature smile and walking back to Santana. The Latina immediately hit the Carmel boy as hard as she could, scolding him in Spanish.

"I was trying to help you!" He whispered quietly, rubbing his arm.

"But we're enemies Jessie! Never in a million years could we possibly end up together. And just because you think I like her doesn't mean I'm ever gonna do anything about it." She got up and threw her empty coffee cup away. "P.S I hate her!" Santana stated as she gritted her teeth, successfully avoided Brittany as she left the shop.


I know it's short...but I just started school and I have like, a million AP classes this I might not be able to update a lot(Not like i was doing a good job of updating in the first place)


Everytime I post a chapter on this particular book alone I get alot of you asking for me to update almost immediately after I post a chapter....I AM NOT A FREAKING ROBOT PEOPLE I CANNOT PLUG MYSELF INTO THE COMPUTER AND WRITE 20 BILLION CHAPTERS IN FIVE MINUTES, IF I COULD THEN MAYBE THIS STORY WOULD BE A LOT BETTER.

that is all I have to say.

p.s lemme know if this was a 1.)Terrible chapter, 2.)A Meh chapter or 3.)A terrible chapter.


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