Chapter 12

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"Let's take us back to were we first began-"

"They turned us strangers into closest friends."

"Turn the page and see the wonder, that's here for you and I."

"Was oh so different once upon a time-"

"But now the spark we got will never die."

"Close your eyes and feel the magic, don't ever let it go."

"A bit of me, a piece of you, with a sprinkle of attitude. A little dream, a lot of love, turn up the heat baby, don't give up. Yeah I know we've come so far but it's just the beginning." Santana looked over and smiled when her eyes reached Brittany's.

"Yeah I know we've come so far, but it's just the beginning." Brittany laughed when they finished and softly kissed Santana.

"Where did you find that song?" The blonde asked, looking over the sheet music once again.

"Who knows. It's a miracle I could even find the sheet music for it." Santana lightly twirled around in the choir room, sliding and stopping in front of the piano. "When I heard it on YouTube there wasn't really any music, but I still liked the song."

"It's a nice song, I've just never heard of a girl group called 'Little Mix'."

"Yeah they're not well known, but they're really good singers. And they're songs aren't crappy."

Brittany nodded in agreement and watched as the Latina wiped the top of the piano bench off before sitting down.

"It kinda makes me even more sad that there's not a glee club anymore. I mean, as much as I enjoy spending time alone with you in here, this room really isn't much use."

"You know, we could talk to Mr.Schuester, see if he'd maybe want to start the club up again." Santana looked over to the blonde.

"We could, but even if he did who would want to join?"

"Us. You have an amazing voice, San. Plus we pretty much rule this school, if we join then maybe others would too."

"Who's to say that won't backfire? What if not only nobody joins, but we lose our popularity?"

"Is that really so important to you? Being popular? Doing things we love sometimes comes with a sacrifice, but in the end it's always worth it." Santana  looked away from the blonde and considered what she heard.

"Okay, but what if Mr.Schuester doesn't want to start up the club again?" Brittany leaned back and bit her bottom lip.

"I don't know. Hopefully that won't happen." Upon hearing that Santana leant forward and knocked on the piano, laughing when she saw the blonde roll her eyes.

"Alright, so when should we talk to Schuester?"

"Tomorrow. I know where we can find him in the mornings."


True to her word, Brittany was able to locate the curly haired teacher almost immediately when her and Santana walked into school. Of course, they walked in separately which left Santana waiting by her locker to receive a text from the soccer captain.


The Latina raised an eyebrow but headed toward the auditorium anyways, finding Brittany leaning against one of the doors.

"We gotta hurry, he leaves when the first bus arrives." Brittany grabbed the cheerleaders hand and practically dragged her into the large room. "Mr.Schuester!" She yelled out, getting the attention of the teacher.

"Brittany...Santana..." He looked a little confused as to why the two girls weren't fighting with each other. "What can I do for you."

"Brits and I wanted to talk to you about something." The blonde gave her a 'duh' look before turning to Mr.Schuester.

"We want to ask you to start glee club again." He dropped the papers he was trying to put into his briefcase and looked at the two girls in disbelief.

"You want me, to start glee club again?"

"Yeah, and we wanna join." He let out a small laugh, putting his full attention on them.

"Glee club? Really? You two, the soccer captain and Cheerios captain, want to not only start glee club again, but join it?" He laughed loudly before shaking his head. "The things I hear these days."

Santana decided to step in. "I know it seems a bit crazy but we're serious about this. We've been in that choir room and it has no purpose without glee club. You need members and we're offering to become ones. We want this, the only problem is that you're the only teacher here that can help us." She took a breath and looked over to Brittany, who gave her a smile and thumbs up. "So will you please help us?"

The girls watched as Mr.Schuester sighed and stopped putting his things away. He stayed quiet for a few minutes before looking at them again.

"I'll have to talk to Principal Figgins, but I'll see what I can do." Brittany jumped with joy and Santana let out a cheer of happiness, both of the hugging the teacher before remembering they had practice to get to.

"Hey, we're gonna need more than two members to keep the club going." He called as they started running towards the door they came in from.

"You worry about starting the club again, we'll worry about getting more members!" Brittany yelled, waving before the exited the auditorium. They stopped when they realized people would see them running together towards the locker room.

"I'll take the long way." Brittany said, obviously still very happy about the way the conversation happened. She checked the hall quickly before kissing the Latina, smiling at her before running off in a different direction. Santana stood still, smiling to herself and hurrying to the locker room, ignoring the looks she got from fellow Cheerios. She quietly singing the words to the song Brittany and her sang the day before, stopping and glaring at the door when the Blonde bursted through. She put on her bitch smirk and slammed her locker shut.

Show time.


Okay so it's like two or three in the morning and I somehow found the inspiration to write this chapter. It wasn't what I had originally planned and I don't know if this is what you guys had in mind either, but looks like McKinley High will be getting a glee club again. Thoughts? Also sorry it took me a while to actually update a chapter and hopefully some of you who are still reading this will forgive me.

Enemies with benefits?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें