Chapter 8

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Brittany stared at the bandage on her hand during her first class. In her mind, the band-aid was mocking her, reminding her not to trust any other schools soccer teams. She should've known something was up the second the girl started smirking. She could hear everyone's whispers in the classroom. It didn't take long for rumors to start spreading. You'd think that they'd all just blame the other team, but she figured some cheerio said that she did it on purpose.

"I gotta admit, last nights game was by far my favorite. You were hardly in it!"

Even though most would say she hate the head cheerleader with a burning passion, Brittany was kinda glad that the Latina wasn't talking about the incident last night.

"At least my team didn't mess up as much as your "squad." I'm pretty sure there is an s in defense." The blonde said, giving Santana a half smile.

"Why were you watching my cheerleaders?"

"Why were you actually paying attention to the game?"

"I don't have to answer that."

"Then neither do I."

She smiled even wider as the other girl glared at her.

"I hate you." Santana said in a low voice, just as the bell rang.

"I love you too." Brittany whispered in the Latinas ear as she got up, winking at her while walking out of the room.

If the blonde had stayed in the room longer, she would've noticed the other girl hitting her head against the desk, groaning to herself.


Santana was jogging in the park when it happened.

It was late in the afternoon when she went out. Her father wasn't home for once, and the house got extremely creepy feeling when she was alone in there. So, she went out to the local park.

She ran for about five miles when she noticed something was wrong. She stopped and took deep breathes, feeling the pain in her chest grow bigger and bigger. It felt like the world around her was spinning, her vision was getting blurry and she felt as if she couldn't get enough air.


She didn't know who called her name, but they sounded really far away.


Their yells were getting further and further, though she was sure they were coming closer. Black spots started taking over her vision, and she felt herself falling.


The Latina wasn't sure how long she was out, but she knew it couldn't have been long, considering that she was still at the park. It was darker now, and she was laying in the grass.

"Oh good, you're awake."

She looked around and found a certain Blonde sitting next to her.

"I was worried about you. You looked as if you were in extreme pain and then you just passed out."

"And you didn't do anything about it?"

"Well, I managed to catch you before you hit your head on the sidewalk, but thats about it because I don't have my phone with me."

"Why not?"

"My mom threw it against a wall last night. Something about me not being able to keep my mouth shut apparently." The blonde said with a shrug. Santana slowly sat up, groaning when she could feel the pain in her chest.

"Yeah, maybe you should rest for a minute, I think you overexercised earlier and that's why you passed out."

"People can overexercised?"

"Sure, many girls on the team do it all the time."

She just rolled her eyes but nodded, leaning back and resting her head onto Brittany's lap. The blonde didn't seem to be objecting to her actions, so she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the quietness.

"So what are you doing out here this late anyways?" She heard the blonde whisper softly.

"Was lonely, wanted to get out of the house for a while."

"What about that Carmel kid you hang out with, was it James?"

"Jesse, and how did you that?"

"You were with him at the Lima Bean."

"You saw that?" If her eyes were opened, they'd be filled with shock.

"It's not like you were in a place that was good for hiding."

"So were you looking for me then or what?"

"Nope, just noticed you."

Neither of them said anything else, they just stayed there in the darkness for awhile.

"It's getting really late, you want me to walk you home?"

"That's very nice of you, considering that we're enemies and all."

"Just because the whole school thinks we have a rivalry doesn't mean we can't be nice to each other outside of class."

The Latina smiled at this.

Brittany gently pulled her up, and followed the other girl. When they got to her house, the blonde turned to leave but was stopped by Santana putting her hand on her shoulder.


"It's no problem."


So there you have it. A small Brittana moment. But I promise there will be more to come :P


Enemies with benefits?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon