Chapter 4

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Of course she just had to run into her! Its not like she hasn't had a shitty week already.

Santana held her stomach as she got into the locker room. It was empty, thank god, and she was able to shower and change without anyone seeing her 'injuries'. She barely walked out of the locker room when she ran into somebody again.

Fucking hell! Why does this always happen to me? She thought as she looked at the person on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here still?" She barked at the blonde on the floor.

"I-uh, I left something i-in my locker." Quinn Fabray, one of the newest cheerios, stuttered out. Santana sighed, offering her hand out to the shy girl, who hesitated before placing her own hand on top of the Latinas.

"Just, be more careful okay?"


She finally left the locker room, about two hours after school had ended. Walking towards the student parking lot, she stopped quickly once she heard someone yelling.

"I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO DAD, HE PROBABLY FOUND OUT BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN LOUD!" Brittany screamed at a woman who looked similar to her. Santana watched from a distance, making sure she wasn't in plain sight.

"YOU WERE THE ONLY ONE HOME! IT HAS TO BE YOU!" The woman screamed back.


Brittany saw the slap coming, but she didn't see the punch, or the kick. She didn't remember much of what happened next, all she knew was that she woke up in a house that definitely wasn't hers.

"What the fuck?" She muttered, sitting up quickly. Brittany gasped as she suddenly felt pain in her stomach and head.

"Hey Pierce, I know you're an idiot but most people with common sense don't sit up quickly after getting kicked in the stomach." Santana said, pushing Brittany down onto the couch.

"What the hell am I doing here Lopez?!" Brittany spat out in pain.

"You passed out in the parking lot. I would've left you there, but running over and possibly killing someone is not something I wanna do, yet."

"Damn, the concussion is worse than I thought."

"You have a concussion? What the hell, Blondie?!"

"Its nothing, thanks for not running over me." She said as she slowly got up.

"Hold on! You're not leaving yet!"

"Why not?!"

"If you have a concussion, you should get to the hospital!"

"No, I'm fine seriously. If have to miss any soccer things I'll lose my title."

Santana was about to protest, when she suddenly remembered that her and the blondeare are enemies.

"You know what? Do whatever the hell you want. I don't care." She said as she got up.


Santana turned around and leaned against the door.

"Can you give me a ride? I honestly have no idea where my house is from wherever we are."

She sighed, nodding before grabbing her keys from a nearby table.

"Most people don't give there worst enemies rides." Brittany stated halfway through the ride.

"I'm not most people idiot."

The blonde soccer player frowned, not speaking during the rest of the drive.

"This is your house?" Santana asked, looking over the two story house she pulled up next to.

"Yeah, probably not for long though." Brittany muttered the last part, hoping it'd go unnoticed by the cheerleader. It didn't.
She was about to ask what the other girl meant, but before she could Brittany exited the car shouting thanks as she walked to her front door.

Santana sat in her car for a while, wondering about the blonde. She kept thinking about what she witnessed earlier in the parking lot. Pulling out her phone, she sent a message to Jesse.

To Jesse: are you gonna be at the Lima bean today?

About a minute later she got a response.

From Jesse: of course! See you around 7ish

She drove towards the Lima bean, wanting to get some alone time before meeting up with the Carmel boy.

Five minutes was all she needed, because she knew she would just end up with the same results every time she thought of a certain soccer star.

I suck....

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