Chapter 7

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"Good Morning idiots of William McKinley High School!"

Santana groaned the second she heard Coach Sue's voice on the intercom. She could hear a certain blondie laughing behind her as she hit her head against the table, silently mouthing kill me now.

"As most of you-" Santana turned around to face the blonde soccer player, who was mocking Sue while throwing wads of paper at the football players sitting across the room. She glared at Brittany, turning around and slightly smiling to herself.

"Boo! Say something important for once!" Brittany suddenly yelled out, causing most of the class to start laughing.

"Can't you ever just be quiet?!" The Latina snapped, her mood changing from calm to angry in a second. The blonde just laughed, throwing a paper at the back of Santana's head. She clenched her fist tight together, snapping her pencil in two. She ignored Brittany's sarcastic remark about being scared as she left the classroom.

"S Santana?"

"What?!" She screamed out frustratedly. She turned around, eyes slightly softening when she saw Quinn.

"A Are you okay?"

She wanted to scream yes, shove the shy cheerio aside and walk off, but seeing how scared Quinn actually was made her calm down just a bit.

" I'm fine, Q. Just slightly pissed at someone."

"Is it the soccer captain? You two always seem to be at each other's throat, though, it has been a lot better recently. "

"No matter what it seems like between her and I, I'll always hate her." She spat, quickly walking off towards the locker room.

Tonight was the first soccer game of the season. The soccer team was excited, the principal was excited, the whole freaking school was excited. Santana, however, was not. After hours of yelling at herself for having a stupid crush on Brittany, she figured that if she ignored the girl as much as she could, it'd go away.

So it was natural that she didn't want to go to the game.

But she also didn't want to go home to her abusive drunk father. The only thing that was keeping her sane was when Jessie had texted her the night before and told her he would go to the game and support her.

The Latina slid down against a wall in the locker room, hiding her face in her hands, wishing that the day was already over.


Brittany listened to the coaches pep talk, rolling her eyes at more than half the things the man said. She had been waiting for this moment all day, and now the only thing in her way was this annoying speech on how proud the coach was of them.

"Brittany, you have anything you want to add?" Anf of course, she was always asked this question at the end.

"Yeah, if any of you messes up, I'm gonna pay the football players to toss you in the ditch!"

The ditch was a water gutter off the side of the football field. Where as most nerds got tossed into garbage bins, athletes were thrown into the water filled ditch.

Just like she was hoping, all the other girls eyes got wide. They knew she was joking, because she had done it before. Anything Brittany wanted them to go above and beyond, she'd make that threat. So far, she's had 4 players tossed in.

"Titans on 3!" She yelled out, putting her hand in the middle of the circle. She watched as everyone joined in before counting to three, yelling at the top of her lungs like the rest of them. They all ran out of the locker room and onto the field.

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