Chapter 11

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"You stupid Cheerios don't even work that hard! We're out there for two hours working out asses off, we deserve to use the fucking showers first!" Brittany yelled, stepping closer to Santana with pure hate in her eyes.

"Then why don't you fucking use the boys showers since you smell like them anyways!" Santana spat back, standing her ground.

"Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you, you're so damn spoiled but nobody even gives a damn about cheerleaders! Every moment when we're out there on the field we face injuries," She pointed at her palm where she had been cut. "And a whole lot more than you guys! The only way you could possibly hurt yourself is by being an idiot and falling off the damn pyramid!"

Quinn and Rachel sat in shock as they witnessed this happen.

"And I thought they were doing well." Quinn whispered, slightly afraid that the head cheerleader might hear her.

"I think this is the worst fight they've had yet." Rachel whispered back, ducking in time when a water bottle came flying towards her.

"I fucking hate you Lopez! Why the hell can't you just stay the fuck away from me?!" Brittany yelled, kicking over a rack of towels. Rachel got up and pulled Brittany away, Quinn doing the same with Santana.

"This isn't over Pierce!" The Latina yelled as Quinn and another cheerio pulled her away.

"Don't count on it bitch!" The blonde spat as Rachel and Tina dragged her to a nearby bench, forcing her to sit down.

"What the hell Britt!? If coach had caught you they'd bench you for the rest of the season!" Tina whispered harshly, glaring the Brittany.

"I'm just sick and tired of her thinking that she can walk all over us!" Brittany clenched both of her fists, digging her nails into her palms.

"That was the worst fight ever though! There must've been something else to piss you off so severely." Tina calmed down a little, noting that Rachel kept looking over at Quinn.

"It's just- there's been some problems at home, and the stupid Cheerios are not helping."

"Maybe you should go practice some drills, you used to do it whenever we used lost." Rachel suggested. Brittany nodded before stalking out of the locker room, glaring at Santana as she did.

Rachel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 'that was really intense' she thought, sitting down and running her fingers through her ponytail.


Brittany waited for Santana in the old choir room after the showdown in the locker room. She walked around, wiping some of the dust off of the piano with her finger. 'What a waste,' she thought, playing a few notes before looking around some more.

The choir room had not been used since the glee club was disbanded after someone reported that the director of the club was sexually harassing a student. For a while the Spanish teacher, Mr.Shue, had tried to keep the club alive, but nobody wanted to join, hence, the end of the McKinley high glee club.

"Sorry, it took me longer to get out of there than I thought." Santana said as she entered, clearly out of breath.

"You okay?" Brittany asked, pulling out a chair for the other girl. She smiled and sat down, nodding.

"This room is kinda creepy...but sad." Brittany stated, still walking around. There was a plaque of someone named Lillian Adler, next to a trophy. She couldn't tell what the trophy was for since most of it was covered in dust.

"I agree, which is why this is the perfect place for us to sneak away." Santana said, wrapping her arms around the taller girl. The blonde smiled and turned around, leaning down and kissing the Latina.

"Do you think that if anyone had actually signed up this room wouldn't be so sad?" She questioned, glancing around yet again without releasing Santana.

"Maybe. I could almost see it. Someone playing at the piano, members of the jazz band also playing, probably something like Katy Perry. Students singing along, miraculously knowing the correct dance moves." Somewhere during Santana's description they started dancing, Brittany occasionally twirling Santana around.

"Of course you could make anything sound amazing." She said, softly kissing Santana's forehead.

"According to you I'm very spoiled and also a bitch."

"You were the one who said make it believable."

"I didn't think you'd go over the top, though."

"I'm sorry." She pulled the other girl closer, shutting her eyes as they continued to sway to nothing.

"It's okay, I kinda went over the top too."

"So we're good?"

Santana stopped swaying and pulled Brittany into a passionate, yet sweet kiss.

"We're amazing."
Would it be weird if I did make another Brittana fanfic after this one? Y'know, with glee being over and everything?
-lolurnotoliviawilde ;)

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