I chuckled at her message and put my phone away, gathering my bag and notes together as my stop was next. I jumped off the bus, calling a 'thank you!' over my shoulder. The driver grunted in reply. Moody bus drivers.

I finally walked into the school, adjusting my bag as it fell over my shoulder. Remembering what Aliya said about being in form, I started towards there but stopped in my tracks as I remembered the cigarette packet in my bag. I could really do with a drag.

I changed directions and walked towards the bike sheds. I gasped when my eyes were suddenly covered.

"Guess who?" A voice laughed in my ear.

I knew exactly who it was. Eli Williams.

I removed his large hands from my face. "What d'ya want, Eli?" I groaned.

He smiled widely, his sandy-coloured hair falling over his eyes. "You're looking gorgeous today, Hannah." He smirked, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Okay." I said simply, rolling my eyes and walked away from him. I heard him call my name but I walked faster. He shouted something so vulgar that I felt myself blush. I heard his friends cackle with laughter. I turned and quickly disappeared behind the bike sheds.

I lit the cigarette and held it up to my mouth, inhaling the toxic fumes deep into my lungs. I closed my eyes, relishing how the smoke burned in my nostrils and mouth. It was times like this, when there was a cigarette in my mouth, that I could fully relax. I forget about Mum and her permanent disapproving frown, Eli and his vile comments even Zayn and this damn marriage. Nothing else mattered to me.

The obnoxious ringing of the bell interrupted my serenity. I dropped the cigarette and crushed it underneath my boot, putting it out. I rummaged through my bag for a mint and sighed in relief once I found one. I sucked it, masking the smell of smoke. I squirted a bit of perfume on my hands and body. Running a hand through my wildly curly hair, I walked towards the school entrance.

I slipped into my seat beside Aliya, shivering a little. She grinned at me, revealing the neat row of braces.

"Is this picture not perfect?" She squealed, sliding the magazine over to me. I glanced at off-handedly, nodding. Yeah, Harry Styles was cute, but he wasn't a man. He was more of a pretty little girl. But I've got to hand it to him; he has talent.

Even if I wasn't due to be engaged to Zayn, I'd probably still find Zayn the best-looking.

Aliya suddenly stiffened, looking at me with narrowed eyes. She learned forward and sniffed my hair and then looked at me suspiciously.

"You're still smoking?" She asked.

"Yes Ali, I never said I would stop, did I?"

"You're killing your lungs, you idiot!"

"Then let me." I said flatly, my tone leaving no room for discussion. She rolled her eyes and as the bell rang she bid me farewell. I nodded and mentally went over my science notes, seeing as my science test was first period.



The bell rang loudly, indicating the end of school. I packed my things together, storing my English folder into my bag.

"Good job today, Hannah!" Mrs Watson, my teacher, called.

"Thank you!" I trilled, smiling at her. I walked out of the classroom and nipped into the toilets, using the time to change my shoes and wipe the makeup off. I threw my hair back into its neat ponytail and walked out of the room, chewing my gum loudly.

I clomped down the corridor, lost in my thoughts. There was a big crowd gathered outside, and a lot of shouting.

Curious to see what the shouting was about, I jogged towards the crowd. I pushed my way through, ignoring the protests. A sleek black limo was parked beside the road, gleaming in the sunlight. The door opened and out stepped....

What. The. Fuck.

The girls around me screamed and cried, almost bursting my eardrums. Zayn looked startled at the noise and scanned the crowd, searching.

His eyes fell on mine, and he beckoned me over. Cautiously, I walked forward, unsure whether he meant me or not. He nodded and I picked up speed, jogging over his side.


He cut me off, his arm snaking around my waist. "Let's just get in the mirror," He said lowly. The crowd was slowly closing in so I hopped into the limo, Zayn following after me.

The limo moved, driving down the road, leaving the screaming crowd in our wake.


To my old readers, yes I've edited this to add and change things..

To my new readers, enjoy this new, edited version ;)

Comment your thoughts and vote! I just love Hannah aha

L :) <3 xx

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