He kisses me lightly on the lips, looking back and forth between my eyes. "And I trust you'll make sure you don't."

I give him a small reassuring smile and a nod as anxiety washes over me.

"Good girl." He grins at me, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Now go on home. Feel better darling."

He lets me go and I step back, picking up the clothes I wore yesterday and hastily changing back into them.

"I'll see you soon?" I glance back at him as I make my way across the room and grip the door handle.

"I'll call you." He nods as I open up the dark wooden door. "And Everly?"

"Yes?" I glance over my shoulder at him as he lays back down on the bed.

"Send Maya in will you?"

I force yet another smile on my face, a slight tinge of hurt building up in my chest. "Of course."

I close the door behind me and make my way down the hallway, refusing to let ridiculous emotions break through and threaten my calm exterior. I stop at the last door on the right, raising my right hand in front of me. I knock on it lightly a few times, the sound of sleepy shuffling soon coming from behind it.

Maya opens her door, her long dark curly hair cascading over her shoulders and framing her ivory face.

She smiles at the site of me standing in her doorway, "Hey, I was just about to see if you wanted to go out for breakfast and..."

"He wants to see you." I cut her off, keeping my voice down so the maid passing by can't hear me.

No matter how many times this has happened, I've always felt nothing but embarrassed. Embarrassed and ashamed.

Her grin fades at my statement, her eyebrows wrinkling up in concern. "Everly.. I'm sorry. I..."

"Don't." I reach out, giving her arm a comforting gentle squeeze. "It doesn't bother me."

"I know.. You always say that but.."

"But nothing." I shake my head. "Are you alright to go?"


"Then go." I tilt my head in the direction I came from, knowing Carter doesn't like to be kept waiting.

She nods, casting me a sympathetic frown as she walks out of her room and closes the door behind her.

She pads down the hallway towards Carter's room, glancing back at me before she steps inside.

This is how it's always been since I've been with Carter.

Well not always. The first two months, I didn't know about the other girls.

He was just a sweet, charming, attractive man I was dating. A man I thought I'd actually fallen for.

But halfway through the third month was when I learned about the other women in his life. About Maya and Bridgette and Margo.

I was so hurt when I found out, but by then it was to late. I couldn't leave him. He made sure that wasn't an option.

He tried to ease the blow, lessen my anger by telling me I was special. And in a way, a truly f.ucked up way, I guess I was.

I was the only one he actually took on dates, the only one he allowed 'real' freedom to, the only one he professed having legitimate feelings for, the only one publicly known as Aiden Carter's girlfriend.

But I didn't feel special. I only felt dirty and used. Like I wasn't enough.

Over the next few months I somehow became friends with these three women. Well, friends with Maya and Margo.. friendly with Bridgette.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now