She shakes her head, my heart falling before I realize she's shaking it in disbelief, "I shouldn't, but alright."

"Yeah?" I grin.

"Yes. Now lead me to food before I change my mind."

"Someone's grumpy when they're hungry aren't they?" I tilt my head to the side, motioning her to walk with me.

She rolls her eyes, but falls in step next to me. I pull out my phone, ordering the pizza as we walk a couple blocks west to the small Italian cafe.

I can't believe she agreed to come back to my flat. I can't believe I didn't think before I invited her.

It's nothing compared to what she's used to. Practically a dump in comparison to the multiple homes Carter owns.

"I'll just wait for you out here okay?" Her soft voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I nod. "I'll be right out."

I step inside the small cafe, giving the hostess my name. I glance out the large window as she leaves to retrieve our order, my eyes landing on Everly standing next to a small light post.

I watch her as she pulls a few dollars out of her clutch, handing it to a older homeless man as he walks down the street. The smile she gives him as he thanks her makes my heart skip a beat.

It's mad, utterly insane, that she thinks so poorly of herself.

She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Knew it the second I saw her sitting on that bench in Provocateur.

But there was something else about her that made me not walk away when she so bluntly shot me down.

Something in her eyes that made me feel like I had to get to know her.

And the little I've learned so far has only left me more intrigued.

I take a step closer to the window when I see her fetch her phone out of her clutch, turning it over in her hand and popping the back off. She pulls the battery out of it, followed by the SIM card before dropping all the items separately back into her bag.

Does Carter seriously track her f.ucking phone?

"Your order sir." The hostess appears next to me, practically shoving the large pizza box into my hands.

"Thanks." I look back out the window, Everly now looking around her as if someone's watching.

I quickly head back outside, meeting her at the curb.

"You good?" I ask as she holds her arm up for a cab.

"Yeah." She nods, shooting me a smile as a car pulls up and she slides into the backseat.

I follow after her, giving the driver directions to my flat.

I stay quiet during the drive as we cross the bridge and head into Brooklyn, finally pulling up to the worn down brownstone I call home.

I pass a few bills to the driver before getting out, holding the door open for Everly to follow.

She follows me up the concrete steps and waits as I unlock the old wooden door leading in to my building.

The Most Dangerous Game (Harry Styles AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon