Author's Q&A

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I love you guys.

Question 1:

Will Harry always be a gang leader or will he give his gang up to Karl or someone else?


I'd like to say he won't always be the Leader, but I don't know what will happen ;) You have to read the third book!

Question 2:

Why are you posting another book?


I love writing. This series has much loose ends that there must be a third book. I have ideas and the book will be 70 chapters like this one. A third book will be the last and final one, but I won't leave you guys wondering on that one!

Question 3:

Where do you mostly write?


On my computer. I have a set way that I update. First I will brainstorm, then I sit down at my computer. I have a certain playlist--depending on the emotions of the chapter. I usually will drink tea as I write, water now since it's the summer. I take a break in the middle to use the bathroom, talk with my mum and fill my cup or whatever. 

Question 4:

What are you going to college for?


I want a degree in creative writing, a minor in psychology and a minor in music. Busy lady I am!

Question 5:

Love life status?


Oh jeez. Single as can be. Was stood up by a guy on a date, decided I needed to take a break and try and find myself. It sucks ladies! ( I do kind of like a guy.. ;))

Question 6:

What do you do most when you aren't writing?


Read. A lot. I have a job so I work everyday. Shopping, drawing, listening to music and I play piano a lot.

Question 7:

What do you miss at the moment?


Writing Erase Me honestly :(

Question 8:

What's your favorite Netflix Series?


I have two! Bob's Burgers (fricking hilarious) and Revenge (so addicting!!)

I love you guys! I will now say that this book is complete! The next book will be posted shortly! I will be writing other ones too, so please read them too! Ta ta lovelies!!

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora