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My nerves were everywhere, making my mind scatter. I clutched Harry's hand tightly as I walked close to him, wishing I could run away. Mr. Oliver looked back, his gaze meeting mine. His lips turned into a smile, which I could tell was forced. Did I do something to upset him?

Mr. Oliver looked around the group. "If you guys get scared, I don't want to hear it." Mr. Oliver joked, but was half meaning what he was saying. Harry's hand gripped my hip softly, his thumb softly rubbing the exposed skin.

"Why isn't Professor Tipton coming with us?" A girl with red hair said, her lips turned into a smile.

Oliver looked over at her, his eyes racking her body up and down. The girl blushed, tugging down her shirt just a little more. Harry caught her, a scowl filling his features. I rested my hand on his chest, watching as Oliver smiled at everyone. "Tipton is a very good man. He's staying with Niall until he wakes. That's why I'm taking you to the Catacombs. Now, stop asking questions so we can catch the next tour."

I looked around and saw Zayn without Perrie. He sent me a smile, indicating that he wanted me to come over to him with the flick of his finger. I took Harry's hand and tugged him to Zayn. "Ready to be scared out of your wits?"

I sent him a glare, shaking my head. "Stop it."

Zayn laughed, Harry joining in. "Yeah, I can tell she's shaking like a leaf." Harry joked. I looked between the two, letting out a loud groan of frustration. Shaking my head again, I tugged away from Harry and walked over to Oliver. Softly tapping his shoulder, I watched him turn to face me.


"Are we allowed to take pictures?" I asked.

Oliver looked at me, his eyes casting down at me. Since he was a lot taller than me, his breath fanned over my face. His hands shoved into his pockets, his eyes filling up with.. Lust? "I'm sure you can, love."

"Who are you calling love?" Harry scoffed as he stood behind me. I looked back and noticed that his gaze was staring at Mr. Oliver. I shifted on my feet, clearing my throat.

"Is that a problem?" Mr. Oliver asked Harry, his eyebrows raising at my boyfriend. Harry's hands squeezed into fists, his jaw set in anger. Harry's green orbs turning darker, his breathing turning into deep pants. Mr. Oliver stared at Harry, his eyes dazzling with amuzement. Why was this guy such a jerk?

"Harry, come on." I mumbled. "The tour is starting." People huddled in a group to our left, a younger man in the middle. He had on a 'Visit the Catacombs in the dark!" t-shirt, his bushy hair falling down his shoulders. His smile brightened as his eyes scanned the group. I stood in the middle of Zayn and Harry, listening to the boy who was introducing himself.

"My name is Brian and I'll be your tour guide for today." His accent was American.

"Where are you from?" The same red haired girl asked.

"America. I'm just working here for awhile so I can pay for college." Brian said. "But we aren't here to learn about me, though I'm flattered."

Harry grunted softly, his hand gripping my bum. I gasped, my hand slapping his away. "Not now." I hissed at him, watching his plump pink lips turn into a smirk. Harry's hand lifted away from my bum as his lips pressed a kiss to my hand.

"If you guys didn't know, Catacombs are underground ossuaries. These are located south of the former city gate," Brian pointed to the gate, sending us a smile. "The ossuaries hold the remains of about six million people. It's the 'World's Largest Grave'." We followed him inside, my eyes taking in the sights around me. It was creepy, my skin crawling as Brian retold facts about this place. "Bodies of the dead from the riots that happened here were put in these catacombs. Can anyone guess what year? August of 1788."

I marveled at the information I was receiving, my feet softly scrunching the dirt beneath them. My eyes caught the sight of the thousands of bones, my eyes going big. The realization that these bones were human hit me when I saw a little one placed in the wall. I walked up to it, my fingers brushing against the surface.

"She was four." Brian mumbled next to me, his eyes watching my fingers.

"Poor thing.. What happened?" I asked, even though I didn't want to know.

"Her mom slept around. Someone that was powerful found out and killed all her children. And this, is one of hers." Brian looked over at me, his eyes scanning mine. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, sending him a soft smile. "Yeah, I am."

The tour took about an hour, Harry and I never leaving each other's sides. The place was creepy and if I was ever stuck down in the catacombs I would most likely die of being so scared. The bright sunshine blinded us as we walked out, Harry grabbing his sunglasses and slipping them on. I put mine on, my hand grabbing his once more. Since Karl was waiting for us, we walked to the destination of where he was.

"Finally!" Karl boomed, his lips turning into a warm smile. "It's good to see you love birds again. I missed your gooey interactions."

Harry rolled his eyes at Karl and scooted my chair out. Sitting down, Harry scooted me in and sat beside me- his arm scrapping over the back of my chair. "How's New York?" Harry asked.

Karl shrugged, his hands picking up a menu and opening it. "Not the same without you. But good."

I grabbed for a menu, my eyes skimming the different food options that were scribbled in French. "So I was told you had news about my dad and Liam?" I asked, my eyes falling on Karl. He smiled and leaned back, his arm reaching up as his hand rubbed the back of his neck.

"I have great news, actually."

"And what would that be?" Harry insisted, his patience running thin. Harry tugged at his hair, his eyes skimming the place in a quick fashion. Was something wrong?

"Your father and Liam are making a deal with a gang. A gang that I have personal connections with."

"And what does that mean?" I asked as a waitress came to our table. I ordered an iced tea after Harry ordered a Pepsi. Karl ordered the same as Harry, the girl smiling as she sent Harry a wink. His eyes were hidden behind his Ray bans, but I could tell he wasn't that happy about getting hit on.

"We can black mail them, follow them and finally get our hands on what we truly want- payback."

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