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To be quite honest with you, I wanted to throw Carli a party. It was such an amazing miracle that her lungs had healed up slightly and I wanted to show everyone how strong my love really is. I missed Carli so terribly, my heart aching for everything we used to do. When people said that when you lose something, it's hard to let it go. Now I know what they meant, it was hard facing the fact that it was a possibility that I had to say goodbye to Carli. No one would ever know how thankful I am for not being in that situation anymore.

"Can you stay here for a little bit?" I asked Niall. I had some business to take care of, which was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment. Niall nodded at me, his eyes scanning over the book he was reading. I got up, got my stuff together and made for the door, stopping just before I left.

"Hey Niall?" Niall slowly looked up at me, his eyes glazed with confusion. Niall and I used to be really good mates, something- me really- ruined the friendship and at this moment I felt horrible for everything I had done to the poor guy. "Thank you for caring about Carli. It means a lot."

Niall's eyes went big, his lips forming into an 'O'. Yeah, it was rare that I told anyone that I was sorry. Especially to Niall. He looked at me, his hands closing his book. "Harry, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Please Niall, don't tell me I went too soft.

"Carli has changed you into a better man, Harry. You know how to treat others well now." I snorted at his comment, though deep down I was glad he said something. Since it was true, Carli had shifted me into someone better. Before I vowed to myself that no woman would ever change how I was, that I was perfect the way I was. The Carli showed up into my life and now I'm not afraid to say that if she wants me to change, I will do everything in my power to be the person Carli wants me to be. That's what love will do to you, it's strange.

If it was years before, could I tell you that I could see myself in such a deep love with someone else?


Back then I thought that I could pleasure every girl that crossed my path, the strings not being attached to a relationship. I was cocky, rude, inconsiderate and stupid.

"Thank you." I called after Niall, sending him a friendly smile. I walked out of the room, going down to the parking lot that my car was somewhere in its abyss. I digged around in my pockets of my tight jeans, trying to find the keys. My fingers brushed over the cold metal of them, my heart sinking at the realization that I was leaving Carli. I shrugged it off, knowing I could come back as soon as I was finished with what was needed to be done. I got inside, the air slightly stuffy within the walls of my Range Rover. It was mid March, spring coming up on me with such quietness as a lion stalking its prey. I untied my tie slightly, rolling down the window. My body relaxed as I began to drive, my lungs taking in the outside clear air. I had to admit, it sucked being stuck inside the small walls of the room Carli had adapted to. I couldn't possibly imagine how Carli is going to feel.

I rubbed my face with my hands as I stopped at a red light. The busy, somewhat annoying noise from the streets cascaded into my car, not allowing me to hear the soft rhythm of Jack Johnson that was playing out of my radio. I cursed the people that passed in front of my car, letting off my break slightly to scare them. I chuckled as a man, holding his small daughter, gave me a cold glare. I shrugged it off, driving fast to my building.

"Thanks." I shortly mumbled to the man I gave my car to, telling him to park it at my favorite spot. He nodded at me, slipping inside. I walked into the building, my long legs carrying me up to my office that was on the very top floor. I sat my jacket and tie down. My hair was pulled int a man bun, my legs aching from the walk that I had just done.

"You're here. Thought you wern't going to come in today." Karl said as he walked in with envelopes in his hands. "The two of them have been making trouble downstairs. Also Michael is in the room next to them."

I sighed deeply, my irritation reaching its limit. "Misbehaving? What did you do about it?" I asked Karl. I trusted him with this section of business. I had to say he was good at finding a way to torture people into ways that I wanted. I was rather pleased that Michael was within my reach, oh I wanted to hurt him so badly.

"I didn't do anything, since I thought that you wanted to take part of that one." He chuckled, knowing well what I wanted to do. I nodded and followed him down to the basement, making small talk about little things that didn't matter at the moment. I shoved the big steel door open, my boots clicking on the hard ground. My eyes scanned the slightly dark area, a groan coming from Liam's cell. I walked over to his set of bars, my hands stuffed into my pockets.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Karl, Liam's glare turning towards me.

"Get me out of here." Liam hissed, his eyes bloodshot. Bags were under his eyes from the lack of sleep, his hair messed up, dirty with grease.

"No." I simply said, shaking my head. Liam got up, walking to the bars and clutched them tightly in his hands.

"What did I ever do to you?" Liam shot at me. I had to laugh at what he said, he didn't know what horrible person he was? He didn't know that Carli was in the hospital because of him? He was dumb, really dumb.

"Your sister says hi." I hissed. "Oh wait, she's in a coma. Sorry I forgot."

Liam's face drained from color, his knuckled turning white from his grip on the bars. "What.. Please.."

I turned my back to him and decided that it was best that I think of his torture another time. I walked over to Michael's cell, staring at him as he sat on the ground. His head was in his hands, his body still as if he was asleep.

"Look what we have here." I said, my voice cold. Michael looked up at me, his eyes meeting my glare. I wanted to kill him, really I did. I was so let down when I found out he was alive.

I went to go unlock his cell when Karl raced down towards me.

"Harry!! Harry! She's awake!!"

I froze in mid action, my dreams finally coming true.

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Where stories live. Discover now