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"What do you mean we have a visitor?" my dad growled, shoving Tania away. She cowered back into the corner, her cheeks wet with tears. Paul growled and picked himself up, fixing his pants. "At this late of hour? He must be some crazy--"

"He's lost. I gave him my phone so he could use it, how are we going to do this?" I asked him. I had no idea my dad needed Tania. She was young, she was pure and she wasn't the girl who would fall for my father.

Paul looked over at me and sent me a smirk. "We have two options. First, we can torture and murder him. Second, we can keep him down here with Tania-- as a sex slave. If you're into that kind of thing." Paul winked at me, making me gag.

"That's disgusting." I hissed. "Just... Let's play along first. He does seem like an idiot so he won't even know what hit him."

Paul nodded and walked up the stairs, myself following after him. I heard the soft cries from Tania, my body stopping. I actually-- secretly-- was falling in love with her. It pained me to see her being hurt by my father. I wanted to show her the other side. Yes, I was cruel. But I was nothing like my father. Was I?

Paul and I walked into the living room where the guy was. He was still trying to get ahold of someone, his face contorted in fear. I smirked. Good. He was scared. He should be.

"Getting a hold of anyone?" Paul asked. The guy looked over at him, fear slowly being replaced with... A smirk? I had a weird feeling about this dude, but I pushed it away and acted like nothing was wrong.


I smiled at Carli as she swung from a swing, her laughs and giggles making my spirits lift. Her hair was flinging all over the place, her hands gripping the ropes tightly.

"Liam?" She said as she no longer swung. I looked over at her and shoved my pocket into my phone.

"Yeah sis?" I replied.

"Can I tell you something?" Carli's voice was soft, timid.

"Of course. You know you can trust me."

"I want to be an artist when I grow up. Painting and sculpting-- things like that. Dad says that's useless in the world. Do you believe him?" Carli looked up from her shoes, her eyes wide with sadness. My dad could be so cruel to her. I promised myself I wouldn't be just like him.

"Of course not. You do whatever you want. Don't let him stop you."

"I just feel like something is going to change with us."

"Why would you say something like that? I would never leave and never change." I said hugging my sister tightly.

"You promise?" She asked, her eyes looking up at me as I gave her a small squeeze.

"I promise, sis."


"Yeah. He just needs your address. Or some kind of thing so he could find me."

I walked over to him and snapped my phone out of his hands. The guy looked at me confused, his gazed fixed on me. A burning sensation started in my stomach, I wanted to kill him. I wanted to taste his blood. It was weird, I haven't killed anyone in awhile and it's slowly catching up to me. Going through the possibilities, I sat my phone aside and crossed my arms over my chest. "What were you doing in the forest?"

"I got a new job as a photographer in New York and everyone told me how beautiful this forest was. I thought I should check it out." The man casually said, shrugging his shoulders as he sent me a smile.

"Creepy... Isn't it?" Paul said, sending him a smirk.

My phone rang, a groan falling from my lips. I gave my dad a dirty look and walked to the kitchen to answer the call. I hit the green phone button and out it up to my ear.

"Liam." I lowly said. I stood there as I stared out the window, seeing nothing but pitch dark. "Hello?" I said after a moment of silence. I was starting to get annoyed, which wasn't going to be good for the doofus in my living room.

"We found you." A raspy voice growled. I froze as I stared into nothing, my hand clamping down harder on the phone. This isn't happening.


"Hello to you too." I heard him chuckle. "How's my member doing in your living room?"

"He- You- He's with you????!" I screamed.

"Don't get testy with me. He is, he's doing a good job of distracting you huh?"

"You son of a--" I charged into the living room, my hand quickly going for the fool.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." His voice stopping me cold.

"Why not. " I demanded.

"Because I have my men surrounding you. One stupid move and I will blow your ugly head off."

I looked outside, suddenly seeing hundreds of men dressed in all black. Guns were pointed and they looked determined. They looked mad. They looked ready.

Sorry.. This chapter sucked but im really not in the mood to write... Sorry again.. Xo

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя