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I ran over to Niall and engulfed him in a hug, quickly pulling away as I heard him whimper in pain. I mumbled an apology as I looked at Harry. Niall shrugged slightly, his body sitting in a wheelchair. He looked like a ghost, his color drained from his face and his body looking smaller than I remembered. His lips were turned into a smile, though. I honestly love his smile, it makes me happy when I'm sad. It's like rainbows after crappy weather.

"How did you get him out?" I asked Harry, taking his hand in mine.

"As I said before, I pulled a few strings." Harry replied. "You okay mate?" He asked Niall.

"I'm okay." Niall rasped. "Not dead."

Harry frowned and nodded, clearly wanting Niall to be more happy. "Are you completely out of the hospital?" I asked Niall.

"Yeah, I am. I still have to be really careful, but they said I was healthy enough to try everything on my own."

"Does it still hurt?"

"Of course. The pain.. jeez.. it was bad. And still is. But I'm healing slowly, which angers me. Because I want to be okay now."

"I'm sorry, really." I said.

"Why are you sorry? It isn't your fault, or Harry's. I'm just glad to be back, even though I'm not able to tour the city anymore." The wind started to pick up and I looked above me at the moon. Clouds were slowly crowding the sky and Harry cleared his throat.

"It looks like it's about to storm, how about we get you back to your room Niall? I'm sure Carli will help you if you need assistance." Harry suggested, sending Niall a friendly smile. Niall looked up at Harry, his head nodding in agreement. I watched as Harry slowly and carefully pushed Niall towards the hotel. I walked beside them, my feet beginning to throb because of my heels. What was I going to do with my dress? I wanted to keep it, but what was I going to wear it to?

Niall sat silently as we helped him to his room, his hospital wrist band still on. "Someone needs to help me out on clean bandages." He weakly said.

"I can do that. " Harry replied, opening up Nialls hotel room. It was messy- his clothes were thrown everywhere. I kissed Niall on the cheek and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to go take a shower and then I'll be back okay?" Harry nodded and helped Niall into bed. I smiled to myself and walked to my room, sighing in relief as I shut the door. Carefully slipping off my dress, I hung it back on the hanger and hung it up in the stuffed closet. I took off my shoes and sat down on my bed, pulling my feet closer and rubbing them. I looked out of the window and sat there in silence. I was happy Niall was back, but I was extremely happy about what Harry did for me tonight. He was such an amazing guy and I sometimes forget that. I watched as the rain started to pour, the big raindrops making a hard noise against my window. I got up and shut the curtains, making my way to the bathroom. I took off my undergarments and turned on the water, checking to see how cold or hot it was. Once it hit the perfect temperature, I got in and began to wash my body with my favorite wash. Rinsing off, I put shampoo on my palm and massaged it into my hair. Singing to myself, I closed my eyes and replayed the events of today. A smile tugged on my lips as I finished my shower. I got out and dried off, walking to my bed.

I slipped on clean undergarments and a pair of Harry's sweatpants. I put on a loose fitting shirt and combed out my hair. After I was all done with myself, I walked back to Niall's room and walked in. Stopping when I saw Harry look at me, shaking my head. Raising my eyebrows, I looked at Niall who was in a deep sleep. The blankets around him engulfed his body, his bare chest showing the fresh bandages Harry put on. Harry walked over to me and led me out, softly shutting the door behind him.

"How is he doing?" I asked as Harry put his hair into a bun.

"I don't think he's doing okay. He's healing really slowly and it pains Niall to not be 100%." Harry explained as we walked to my room.

Harry sat down on my bed, pulling me onto his lap. Sitting down, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I have to tell you something."

"Like?" I asked.

"It's about Mr. Oliver." Harry huffed.

"That he isn't who he says he is?"

"How'd you know?" Harry said, surprised.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. What? Did he think I was blind and dumb? Oliver didn't even look when you called his name, it was ridiculous. I explained how I knew as Harry and I crawled into bed. I rested my head in my hand as I looked over at Harry. "Thank you again for what you did for me today." I whispered.

Harry looked over at me and turned off the light, darkness engulfing us. The clock rang that it was 2 am. "Your welcome. I'm really glad you had fun, it was all about you. I want to make up for all the times I've been so horrible to you."

"Harry.. You act like you cheated and blew everything up. But you didn't, you have no reason to be sorry."

"I know.. Let's go to bed baby girl."

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon