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Her chest heaved up and down with help, her eyelids still closed. I sat there in silence wondering when would Carli wake up, since I needed to see her alive and well desperately. I tapped my fingertips rhythmic on the uncomfortable vinyl chair I had sat down in just hours before. The air was stuffy in Carli's room, the collar of my dress shirt clinging to my neck in a sweaty manner. I bounced my legs up and down frantically, my jitters taking over my sleep deprived body.

"Harry, son, calm down." My mother lulled at me, her hand rubbing my back comfortingly. She had been gracious enough to stop by before she would be opening her bakery, bringing me some delicious smelling pastries to fill my empty void of a stomach. We had talked for several minutes about life, but it soon fell to silence as we both sat there. Footsteps were heard from the hallway and I knew who was coming, why did he have to have the worst timing ever?

"Are you still here?" A voice dragged me out of my state. I looked up and saw my father and his second wife, Margeret standing in the doorway. I sat still for a moment, confused on why they were here. I mean, they didn't visit her while she was in her awful state. Why now? I knew that I should look on the bright side, but I can't see that side with them. Especially since Margeret looked unhappy to be here, sorry to ruin your valuable time Margeret.

"Yes. I won't leave this room until she wakes up. I show Carli that I actually love her, unlike you." I spat. The hatred I had previously felt towards my father kindled away over the months, Carli being the reason why. She hoped that my father and I would repair our bitterness towards each other. For a time it wasn't a problem, but now it was- stronger than ever. My fathers face fell, his guilt written on his old features. Margeret sighed through her nose at me, sending me a cold threatening glare my way. I rolled my eyes, not fazed by her. My hair swooped down into my eyes, my fingers brushing it back up.

My mother looked nowhere near comfortable, her tense body showing it. Her eyes casted downward, lips a thin line shut together. 

"Don't Harry. Your father has been worried sick-"

"Margeret." I interrupted her, which didn't make her look any happier. "For your information I think my dad can speak for himself. I know that he's been swamped but I am too. Can't you see my love lying there like a sack of potatoes?" I asked, my anger turning to sorrow. "I walk up to her room every morning wishing that she was well and alive. Moving. Breathing on her own. Really I just wish that I could go back in time and heal Carli and hold her in my arms. My heart is broken beyond repair right now and the only way to mend it back up is to see Carli healthy once more. Do you get how hard it is for me to not lose my hope in life? At rock bottom I wished that I was the one dying, have you ever felt that way Margeret?"

Margeret stood there silently, her glossed eyes turning away from me. Her eyes fell on Carli and for a moment I saw her walls crumbling down. Even though Margeret showed her hard shell to Carli, I knew she thought of Carli has her daughter she had never was able to have. Margeret was the strangest woman to read, and I could feel her sadness and hope hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe, just maybe, she had a heart after all. Not towards me, for sure. Margeret walked over to Carli, her manicured nails softly playing with Carli's messy hair. Carli's chest rose and fell, unfazed at what was going on around her. I smiled softly at my princess, her beauty still showing even though she was paralyzed with a coma. 

"How is she?" Margeret asked me, her voice just above a whisper. My mum's eyes casted up at Margeret, hatred painted on her flawless features.

"Getting better." I replied, watching her intently. Margeret nodded, her fingers brushing against Carli's swelled cheek. 

"How are you doing, son?" My father asked, sitting down next to me in the available chair away from his ex-wife. I shrugged slightly, telling him that I was good as to be expected. "Where will she be living when she gets out?"

That question had never crossed my mind, it wasn't important I guess. I wasn't going to let her stay alone in her flat, so there was only one choice I had left- Carli living with me. Or, I suppose, we could get our own apartment and live together. 

But was that something Carli would feel comfortable with?

Sleeping next to a gang leader?

Carli would kill me, that was for sure. 

"I heard that you now are the boss, Harry." My father whispered beside me. I looked at him suprised, how did he possibly know that? I wasn't scared or hiding anything from him. 

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways, Harry Styles. I just want you to promise me two things, do you understand me?" I nodded at him, listening to what he had to say. "First you better keep Carli out of your mess that you call a business. I don't want her dead because of you, do everything in your power to keep her safe. Second, please be careful."

I looked at him, my emotions out of order. He had never once showed that he cared about my safety like this, maybe Carli was right when she said that my dad was trying to change. I should give him more chances than I have wanted to. I'm sure that he gave his own son, who I must add wasn't the greatest child to begin with, chances more than he should have. 

My mum on the other hand, looked as if she saw a ghost. Her skin was pale as snow, her eyes big with surprise. "A gang, Harry??" She shrieked. 

"Please, not now." I softly pleaded with her. Anne sighed, her head hanging downward. 

"Of course. Come by the bakery when you can. I have to go now." Anne pressed a kiss to my cheek, her hand giving mine a squeeze. 


I watched my father pace the room, his hand rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Margeret was ready to leave, but was suddenly stopped short when we realized that Carli was making noises.

"Someone help!!" I screeched into the hallway, not knowing what else to do. A team of nurses and doctors ruched in, taking a look at Carli. To my surprise, and happiness, it wasn't for the first time something bad. Supposedly her lungs had healed just enough for her to be able to breath without a machine.

I watched the people as they worked on Carli, taking the breathing tubes out of her body, packing up the machine for some other patient in horrible condition. The main doctor, Doctor Kabul, smiled as he worked, his eyes gleaming with a new sense of hope. "Good news, she is well. Very well indeed if this is happening. It will be days or even possibly hours before Carli will wake up and shine her eyes at the world. We shall wait and see what will happen."

"Thank you, sir." I said, my happiness filling every inch of my body. 


Carli, baby.

Come back to me.

Come back to Harry, princess.

Please, I need you more than anything.

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Where stories live. Discover now