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I giggled under my breath as I watched the movie, Harry's fingertips brushing against my bare shoulder. I bit down on my lip as I laughed, his chuckles filling the air as he tickled my sides. "S-Stop!" I panted. "Belle is coming in!"

Harry stopped, watching me intently as I gaped at the movie that was unfolding in front of me. I smiled big as Belle walked into the grand ballroom, her yellow dress swaying around her tiny frame. I had to admit, when I was a young girl I would dream of being Belle, my crush at the time being Beast. I batted my eyes as the two of them danced, my heart fluttering at the way she looked at him. Belle didn't care what Beast looked like, it's what was in the inside that counts.

I felt Harry shift next to me, his warm body leaving the bed. I looked from the movie, my fingers quickly pausing it. "Where are you going?" I asked, confused.

"I'm going to go do something for you, I'll be back." Harry kissed me slowly, his clothes being put on after. I nodded slowly, my heart dropping slightly. I didn't want him to leave, a little piece of me thinking he wouldn't be coming back. Harry had told me that the police didn't think he did it, but I knew better. Nothing was at it seemed.

I watched as Harry left me, turning back to the movie and playing.

Would someone ever do that to me?

I doubt it.


Carli had given me the best idea.

Knowing that I had failed her time and time again, I had to make things up.

I shook my head at the designer, grumbling curse words. "No! I told you, it needs to be like a princess."

"Sir." The woman said, her french taking over. She told me that his is what she had, and was sorry if it wasn't what I needed. I shook my head and stormed out of the store. I could tell that Carli was in love with the Disney Princess, Belle. Her eyes dazzled with admiration and I wanted her to feel like Belle. Because she was my princess.

I went to several stores and finally found the perfect dress. It was beyond what I wanted, which was a good thing. It was very princess like and it brought a smile to my face. The dress was pricey, but I didn't care. I payed for it and watched the worker hang it on a hanger. I smiled big as I thanked him, my arms carefully carrying back to my hotel room. The heat in Paris was slowly dying down, the tourists either in shops or just sitting and talking. The sun was slowly making its way down, the scenery perfect for what I was going to do. I called Karl and Zayn, asking them if they would help. I also have a very big surprise for her, I know she would love it- even I was happy for the surprise.

Hanging the dress on the door, I walked over to my hotel desk and sat down, grabbing the phone. I arranged for a hair stylist to come over, my mind whirling fast. I was going to make this special for Carli, and I needed to try my best.

"Baby?" I softly called as I opened her door, smiling as she stood before me in one of my shirts.

"What took you so long?" She frowned as she sent me a pout. Carli walked over to me and stood on her tippy toes, her lips pressing to mine in a small kiss.

"Can you come with me, please?" I asked, taking her tiny hand in mine. Everything was set up in my room and I was excited to show Carli what I was capable of. Carli slowly nodded, following me to my own room. I swung open the door and smiled.

Erase Me (Color Me Book 2 H.S)Where stories live. Discover now