12 - All Hell Breaks Loose

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So here's what you missed on glee...the big news from last time was that Bree set up Taylor and Sam to make it look she slept with Sam, and now Taylor wants Sam to stay away from her. Marley met Cameron's family, and she and his brother Joel had a lot in common,  like they both like to do graffiti art, but when they were almost caught doing a picture Marley cut open her side when they escaped. All of the girls left Ryder out a little bit, but they invited him into one of their Hudson's Angels performances. And Ryder likes Lena but is dating Kitty and that's what you missed on Glee.


Taylor sat up quickly when a knock came at her front door. Her whole face stung from the amount of crying she had done over the past few hours. How could she be so stupid as to trust someone again, just to have her heart broken again and this time much worse than before. She couldn't get that image out of her mind, the picture of Sam's and Bree's bodies pressed together while they kissed, it was burned into her mind just to torture her.

She got up off the couch and walked straight to the door. She had text Marley, asking her to come over, but that was an hour ago so she figured that Marley just hadn't seen the text.

She opened the door and the distinct smell of metallic copper hit her nose, in other words the smell of a lot of blood. Blood was gushing out of Marley's side and she was holding onto some guy that Taylor had never seen before. "Oh my God Marley. We need to get you to a hospital" Taylor shrieked, why the hell would they come here?

"No hospitals. Police will be looking for us" Marley managed to pant out. Whoa. Wait, the police? What had Marley gotten herself into?

"Marley said that you know a lot of first aid?" the guy asked quickly, an Irish accent, that was unusual for Lima.

Taylor had some first aid knowledge. But Marley's side was practically torn open. "Get her on the couch. I need supplies" Taylor decided. With the amount of blood that Marley was looking they wouldn't have had time to get to a hospital anyways.

The guys didn't need to be told twice before barging into the house and carrying Marley to the living room. Taylor ran to the sink. She pulled out the trolley on wheels of all the first aid kit she had. And then went to the fridge to pull out her old friend. Vodka.

"What are you planning on getting smashed now?" the guy shrieked at the sight of the bottle in Taylor hand.

"No" she hissed. In one fluid movement she uncapped the bottle with her mouth and poured the vodka into Marley's wound. "This stuff is better than antiseptic cream any day" Taylor explained.

"Figures that you would know how to use vodka as a home remedy" Marley managed to joke. She was shivering and sweating at the same time.

If Taylor was going to do this it had to be now. She pulled on a plastic glove and stuck her finger in
Marley's wound. "There's no obvious source of bleeding. That's a good thing. I think you've just ripped skin and torn a few blood vessels. All you need are stitches to the side" Taylor explained. She reached into her trolley and pulled out a needle, ready to do the stitches.

It was amazing how much that you could learn in Biology without actually learning it. And somehow Taylor still manages to fail Biology. "And that's it?" the guy asked in shock.

"Yeah that's it. Now does either one of you want to tell me what the hell happened? And why the hell the police are apparently involved?" Taylor screamed at the two of them. She peeled off her gloves after she had finished the stitches. "I've got nothing but time" Taylor snapped.

"The police busted in on us doing some graffiti and we ran. I caught my side on a pipe in some construction rubble and then we came here" Marley yawned. It took her a few more minutes before she fell to sleep.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now