27 - Bad Blood

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So here's what you missed on glee...last week was movie mashups week and as per usual a lot went on. Marley started freaking out because she and Ryder kissed and she didn't know what to do. When she told Jake, Jake wanted to tear Ryder's head off, but Taylor stopped him since she could now use it as leverage over his head. Taylor and Sam sang this really romantic duet with each other, just to show their feelings for each other. Kitty was ignoring Ryder because he kissed Marley and now they're on the rocks even though they aren't dating and that's what you missed on glee.


It was time for a serious sit down with the glee club's two fearless leaders. Because it had reached boiling point, and if this went any further then McKinley would have its first and only glee club fight club. "Okay so here's how it is, everyone elected me to come and speak to you because I'm a mean hot bitch with no human emotions whatsoever, so I am numb to your petty feelings" Kitty commented honestly to Finn and Mr Shue, brutally honestly. Sam and Blaine who were on either side of her nodded. The rest of the glee club were waiting outside for the verdict to come in. "We've all noticed the tension between you, ever since frankenteen admitted to lip-locking with the ginger with OCD" Kitty mentioned.

"Sorry there was a huge line at the Lima Bean, but here are the lattes that Mr Shue made me get everyone" Finn laughed to the group. He walked in balancing all the hot lattes that he could carry and set them down on the desk for everyone to take their own.

Mr Shue snatched his away from Finn first and took a sip while everyone passed out their own to each other. "Um, I asked for two pumps of mocha Finn. And I taste three. Take them back. All of them" Mr Shue growled at Finn before departing the room to his office. Leaving everyone speechless.

"Or there was the vest incident" Sam announced.

Finn hung up all the dry cleaning that Mr Shue had made him get. Damn, Mr Shue had a lot of sweater vests that actually look completely identical. "I'm sorry Mr Shue, but all I did was pick up the vests. I didn't-" Finn began to protest at Mr Shue's inspection of his vests.

"-What's most upsetting is that you actually think that these vests are clean. That it's okay to turn in sub-par work" Mr Shue snapped at Finn before once again storming out to his office. Leaving everyone once again speechless.

"And it's no surprise that Finn has been acting like he's losing his mind" Blaine explained.

"Great job Ryder" Mr Shue clapped at Ryder, after a very good performance in glee club the following afternoon to vestgate 2014. "See that guys. Prowess on the football field, and a terrific singing voice are not mutually exclusive" Mr Shue commented to Ryder.

That was Finn's breaking point. "I can't take it anymore. Okay, it's bad enough you're treating me like your lackey, but I'm not going to sit here while you fake compliment Ryder just to hurt me" Finn snapped. He shot out of his seat. Making sure to kick over the music stand on his way out.

"Yeah that one actually kind of hurt" Ryder muttered to the rest of the group, who were all desperately listening at the door for any scrap of the conversation that was going on in the other room.

"Get over it" Jake grumbled at Ryder. They had been off for a couple of weeks as well. Jake was pissed at Ryder for kissing his girlfriend and everyone knew so they weren't all judgemental.

"You're both feuding and it needs to stop, or you'll actually start throwing punches. And as we know anything that Mr Shue will throw at Finn will pointless because of the marshmallow belly and Mr's Shue's birds nest hair will most likely defend him from any punches as well. So epic musical feuds is going to be our theme for the week. And for the first time in glee club history, we are giving our fearless leaders an assignment" Kitty commented bitchily at the two. She really had no care if they fought or not, since it didn't directly affect her.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now