9 - The Breakup

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So here's what you missed on glee...Sam and Blaine threw Taylor a birthday party for her Halloween birthday. Blaine got Taylor tickets to New York. Sam got Taylor tickets to see JLo on her world tour as a masquerade for their first date. Both Marley and Sam started to ask questions about Taylor and Jake's past, and that was the last thing that Taylor wanted everyone starting to wonder about. Taylor and Jake kept talking about messing up someone's life, someone called Owen. Coach Sylvester tried to take down the glee club again but Taylor and Mr Shue stopped her and that's what you missed on glee.


Marley quickly filled out her food stamps in the middle of lunch, she was in desperate need of them and in desperate need for no one else to see them. The last thing that she need was for Kitty to find out that she was on food stamps, there would be a whole plethera of new mean nicknames for the rest of the school year.

"Too late I saw them" Jake laughed, sliding into the chair next to Marley.

"Saw what?" Marley asked, pretending to be oblivious. If she didn't want Kitty knowing, she definitely didn't want Jake knowing that she was on free lunches. It was embarressing.

"Your free lunch tickets. It sucks being poor" Jake laughed. He dug his wallet out of his pocket, and pulled out his own strip of red signed lunch tickets. "Before the recession, my mom was a real estate agent. Solid middle class. Now she's the only black waitress working at the Lima County Club, talking orders from a bunch of rich old white guys who barely tip" Jake mumbled back at Marley, it was then that Marley realised that she wasn't the only victim in school. She may have been the only one in glee club who was shy and timid, but everyone else felt like that on the inside too.

"And it kills me that she's working extra shifts to pay for my dance lessons" Jake added with an even more depressed sigh.

"Wait? You dance" Marley asked, shocked. She wouldn't expect a bad boy type like a Puckerman to be interested in dance. Now that she thought about it, he did have some pretty cool dance moves, stands to reason that he learned them somewhere.

"Let's just keep that between ourselves. I have my reputation to think about after all" Jake laughed at Marley. The two continued to flirt with each other, without actually making any propositions. It was shameless flirting, because they bothed liked each other, but Jake had a girlfriend and Marley wasn't that type of girl.

Across the cafeteria Blaine and Brittany were watching them in awe. "Ah young love. Do you remember when you first met Santana and I first met Blaine and every day felt like valentines day?" Blaine sighed contently. He flashed back to the day that he first met Kurt in Dalton Academy, that was the most important day of his life. So far anyways...

"We're still young, shouldn't we still be feeling like that?" Brittany pointed out. Blaine opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he couldn't think of anything to say.

The bell rang over head for the start of homeroom, so Blaine and Brittany went straight to the choir room. "Maybe it's just because of the distance between us and our significant others, in a way won't that make it more special when we are together?" Blaine asked, he knew that that was complete bull, he knew that he had been unhappy since Kurt had left to go to New York.

"Well I get to see Santana every other weekend, but you haven't seen Kurt since the start of September. I don't think that I would be able to do that. I don't think that I would be able to live that far away from her" Brittany pointed out. They really need to teach her to think about what she was saying before she said it.

"Okay guys, take a seat and we'll get started" Mr Shue called to the whole group. Everyone quickly scurried to get to their seats, all of them eager to get into this week's lesson. "So we've sorted out all of the logistics with the Nationals Board and we're back on for Sectionals. We're facing the Dalton Academy Warblers and the The Rosedale Mennonites on thanksgiving weekend, I got the letter this morning, so we're going to have to start planning the set list for that soon" Mr Shue announced.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now