28 - Wannabe Yeah!!!

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So here's what you missed on glee...it was feuds week last week, and it was the first time that the kids gave the leaders an assignment. Mr Shue and Finn were feuding because Finn kissed Ms Pillsbury and Mr Shue thinks that is why Ms Pillsbury left him at the alter. Ryder and Unique feuded because of Ryder's inability to call Unique a girl, but he was kind of feuding with everyone because he kissed Marley. Jake and Taylor feuded because Jake wanted to tell Marley everything and Taylor wanted to finally shut him up. Blaine and Coach Sylvester were feuding and Blaine lost and ended up becoming a Cheerio and that's what you missed on glee.


Sam watched in absolute awe. He was sat up in his bed, just watching Taylor get ready for school. Watching her brush her hair. Watching her apply the lightest coat of makeup possible, since she didn't like too much makeup on her face. Watching her make herself try to look like the rest of the girls, even though she swore that she didn't care what she looked like, even though she was already perfect to Sam, matter how she looked.

"You're staring" Taylor pointed out to Sam. Sam laughed, because she always seem to know when he was looking without looking herself, it was like she had an eye in the back of her head or was psychic or something.

"Of course I'm staring. You're my beautiful girlfriend, if I can't stare then I don't know what to live for" Sam laughed back at her. He enjoyed watching her. Not in a creepy stalker way, it wasn't weird because she was his girlfriend. "Are you telling me that you haven't noticed every guy watching you when you walk by in school?" Sam laughed at her.

"Kitty likes to point them out" Taylor laughed back at Sam. Sam grinned just at hearing her laugh, she didn't genuinly laugh a lot so he loved it when she rarely did. "I only have eyes for one special guy though" Taylor teased while she brushed her hair out. Sam smiled knowing that she meant him, or well he hoped she did anyways. "Are you planning on getting dressed for school today? Classes start in twenty minutes" Taylor laughed at Sam.

"I might need the proper motivation" Sam teased Taylor. Taylor rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what he wanted her to do.

"I'm not doing that, I just finished getting ready" Taylor argued. She had just spent twenty minutes getting ready, and she wasn't going to do what he wanted her to, otherwise they'd both be late. Sam crossed his arms and a smirk plastered his face, great, he was going to be petulant about this. "Oh for God's sakes fine" Taylor sighed, giving in.

She stood up from her mirror and walked over to the bed. She crawled over to him and put her leg over his body, so that she was stradling his waist. She clasped her hands on his cheeks and brought her lips to his. His hands slowly slid up and down her back, holding her in place. Their lips moved in perfect motion with each other, like they had been rehearsing this for a life time, even though it had only been five months.

Taylor was the first to pull away. "Now get ready for school. Otherwise we're going to be late. Again" Taylor smiled at Sam. She pecked him on the lips quickly and climbed off the bed so she could once again try to continue getting ready for school.


Sam closed his locker and saw Blaine standing next to him with a wad of cash in his hands. "Here. Don't tell anyone. And you don't have to thank me" Blaine urged to Sam. He pushed the money into Sam's hand. So Blaine carried this kind of money around with him all the time? No surprise since his dad was a big shot lawyer at the District Attourney's office.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Sam laughed back at his best friend. The last time he was given a wad of cash like that, he had to take his clothes of and dance for it. So he wasn't really sure what Blaine was asking him to do here.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now