20 - It's Getting Hot In Herre

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So here's what you missed on glee...Tina organised a Sadie Hawkins dance for the whole school because she wanted to ask Blaine out, the only problem was that Blaine rejected her and in front of all the glee club as well. Marley got nervous about asking Jake to the school dance, but he agreed to go. Marley explained to Jake that he had to be faithful if he wanted to be with her. Taylor said that she didn't want to go to the dance and said that Sam could go with whoever he wanted, she quickly changed her mind when Ryder said how many girls had asked Sam to the dance. Kitty got a little jealous when he found out that Ryder had gone to the dance with Taylor so they could spy on Sam. Kitty and Ryder ended up dancing together though. Sam and Blaine found evidence that the Warbler's cheated at Sectionals and Trent decided to come forward and testify against the Warblers and that's what you missed on glee.


"And the Dalton Academy Warblers are denying all claims of using performance inhancing drugs. Yet recent blood test conducted by the local authorities have shown that there were high levels of testosterone in their system. Thus proving that they were in fact hormone doping and have been disqualified from competition. Making our very own William McKinley High School on the way to another National Championship" Rod Remington laughed over the T.V. After his co-anchor freaked out and Rod himself made a very sexist comment, Taylor turned of the T.V.

"And good riddance" Taylor stated to the whole group. They were once again back in the choir room, which Coach Sylvester wasn't happy about. So Taylor could return to her seat at the back of the room between her boyfriend and her brother. And this time she got to cuddle with her boyfriend while watching Finn talk explain this weeks task to the group.

Finn wrote Regionals quickly on the white board and everyone started cheering and applauding. "Alright people we are back. First of all big props to Sam and Blaine for all their hard work to make this happen" Finn cheered. Everyone turned their applause to Sam and Blaine. "But, there's no time to celebrate because we lost almost two months of prep time for Regionals and we still have to raise all of the money to pay for the bus to get to the competition in Indianapolis" Finn sighed. There always seemed to be a glass half full to their celebrations.

"Indianapolis is the Paris of Indiana" Artie commented quickly.

"I propose a bake sale" Finn stated with a smile. All of the kids smiles slowly faltered when they realised that Finn was being serious. "Come on, it worked last time" Finn offered, hopeful that would convince them that it wasn't such a bad idea.

"Well that's because Puck spiked the cupcakes with Mary Jane" Artie laughed. Everyone's eyes slowly drifted over to Jake.

Jake sighed and threw his arms in the air in outrage. "Well one that's a little racist and two I'm not Puck" Jake argued.

"I'd be willing to cut off my hair to sell it for extra cash" Joe offered.

"To who? Jamaican kids with Rastafarian cancer? Or Whoopy Goldberg impersonators?" Kitty asked rather harshly. She was working on getting her bitchy comments in line. But even Rome wasn't built in a day, so it would most likely take her the rest of the year to reign herself in a little.

"I could sell more of my semen" Sam offered. Everyone chose to look past that little comment that was just...gross.

"This is silly. I know exactly how we're going to get the money" Tina smiled victoriously. She walked to the front of the choir room and took Finn's leadership spot. "The Men of McKinley calender. Let's face it, this is the cutest crop of glee boys that we've ever had" Tina grinned to the group. The boys suddenly felt like they were being undressed by the girls' eyes. "And it's the perfect time to sell since it's January. There are six guys so each can take two months. I think that Blaine should definitely take December. You can do a Santa thing but sexy. Sexy Clause" Tina sighed dreamily at Blaine.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now