10 - Opposites Attract

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So here's what you missed on glee...Blaine and Kurt broke up, and Finn returned to Lima. Mr Shue set the group off on a breakup assignment, to try and get some more emotional music out of the kids. Taylor was the only one who had never been broken up with though, she had only broke up with people. Jake broke up with Kitty for Marley, but got all weird around Marley afterwards. Taylor had her first conversation with her dad, and she told him everything that had happened to her, mostly, and that's what you missed on glee.


"As president and Vice-President, we can decree pretty much any part that we want right?" Sam asked in all seriousness to Blaine. He signed his name on the Grease audition sheet with his chicken scratch handwritting. Blaine had no interest in singing whatsoever, he just laid back and watched everyone pass him by, like life was passing him by, like Kurt passed him by and left him, and then his mind went to Kurt again. Like it had for the last weekend, just thinking about the breakup.

"I'm not sure I'm going to do the musical this year" Blaine mumbled out, only barely audible to Sam. Sam's head snapped in Blaine's direction, a look of pure confusion on his face. Blaine? Not doing the musical? This was serious. "I'm not in the right head space to do a project like Grease. I'm surprised that you're auditioning, isn't this weekend your's and Taylor's New York trip? I thought that you would be planning and packing and all that?" Blaine asked, it was obvious to Sam that he was trying to change the subject.

"I packed this weekend. And I planned the whole weekend out, we aren't coming back until Tuesday night so we have loads of time since we're leaving straight after school on Friday and landing an hour later in New York" Sam explained with a happy warm smile. He wouldn't let it on, but he was just as nervous as he was excited about this weekend.

"Well it also doesn't hurt that my dad agreed to pay for everything" Blaine added quickly.

"Yeah. Not to sound ungrateful, but why is he paying for everything? I've only met him like twice, and I don't think he even knows Taylor does he?" Sam asked, Mr Anderson was footing the bill for everything that they were doing this weekend and that just messed with Sam's head. Sam hadn't let on that Mr Anderson was paying to Taylor, that was the only stipulation to getting the money.

"I don't know. He knew that I was buying the tickets and then said that he would pay for the whole weekend. Don't ask me why, I've never seen him do something so generous, that sort of thing is usually my mom's thing" Blaine announced candidly. His mom was the one with all of the charity organisations. Including an international foundation for the support of the arts.

"Well, tell him that I said thank you, this is an extremely gracious gift" Sam stated, there was no way that Sam could have afforded stuff in New York with the money that he got working at the video store, he could barely make rent on his small apartment in Lima Heights. And now he had Finn living on his couch as well.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well I'm going to go and get some sleep, I haven't slept since Kurt and I broke up, I've lost my appetite, I don't even gel on weekends" Blaine shuddered, he shuddered at the sight of his messy un-glued hair. That's when Sam knew that this was serious.

"Ok, so this is pretty serious then" Sam announced. He was still trying to catch up with all the facts of what had happened. Blaine had told him earlier this morning, but Taylor was wearing a pretty see-through top, and well the rest doesn't need explaining.

"Sam, Kurt was my soul mate. We talked about spending the rest of our lives together, about retiring in Provincetown and about buying a lighthouse and starting an artist's colony, and now he won't even return my calls. He won't text me. And that Gilmore Girls boxset that I sent him was returned to me, unopened. He's gone, maybe forever" Blaine sighed, he sounded like he was right on the edge of breaking down in tears, and Sam kicked himself for Taylor having the last box of tissues out of the twenty pack they had bought for Blaine's crying over the past weekend.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now