31 - The Mountain Top

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So here's what you missed on glee...a lot happened last week. Kitty was scared to go into the choir room after the shooting, but Marley told her to think of something to calm her down, so Kitty sang a song to Ryder, and then she kissed him, and now they're un-officially dating since the rest of the school doesn't know. Mr Shue snapped at the kids, and they started a protest, so Mr Shue brought Finn back to help out with the glee club. Taylor and Jake finally decided to come clean about their past with each other to Sam and Marley. And whoa, the mysterious Owen person is actually their kid, who lived in New York, away from Taylor's crazy step-dad. And it Regionals, will everything fall apart before competition or not? And that's what you missed on glee.


She breathed in hard, then breathed out slowly.

Trying to remain as un-noticed as humanly possible. Just lying on the bed, the boy that she loved as far away from her as possible on the opposite side of the bed. Of course he didn't know that, and now wasn't the time to tell him. After what he had found out not two days ago. Also known as the last time that he had said something to her.

She hadn't slept since then, she must have underestimated how much she required him now to be able to sleep. And the pillow she was clinging onto was a poor substitute.

She didn't blame him for needing time to process that his girlfriend had a child with another guy. A guy that they saw pretty much everyday. And a child. Her first child that he thought would be his as well, after they had gotten engaged, and married and planned on a baby. Because he thought that way. He had planned their futures out perfectly.

He wanted a big family, like he had grown up with. He thought that she would like that, since the only family that she had was her half-brother and her absentee father. He thought she would have loved a big family of blonde haired, green eyed children. All of their names starting with S like with his family. And they would teach them how to play the guitar, and sing and dance. And would have a boy first and get him a bike with dinosaurs on it. And then a girl, with a big brother to protect her, and they would get her a princess castle. That's how he though, that was his perfect plan. They could still have that, but he found himself crushed in some way by the mere thought of it now.

It almost brought a smile to his face to think that Blaine was an uncle. That Puck was an uncle. That Owen had a cousin in Beth, who was the daughter of Quinn, who he had dated when he first came to McKinley. There were all of these little connections between them all. Like an introcet spider web.

Of course, her plan on life wasn't much different, just little things. She did want to marry Sam some day. She wanted three kids to be exact. She already had the older brother. She wanted two little girls, maybe even twins. That was they could overwhelm the boys.

She remember a dream that she had had about it not so long ago. A dream where she was older and had a job, and her and Sam owned this little house in the middle of Lima. And Blaine and Kurt lived next door. And at night she and Sam would snuggle in front of the fire, with their three kids asleep between them. It may have been cliche, and she was the last thing from cliche, but that was her dream, to not be this walled off person forever.

It was Sam who dared to say the first words in three days, on the Monday morning before they both got up for school. "I want to meet him" Sam breathed out, almost inaudibly. Taylor heard him loud and clear though. She rolled over, since they were facing opposite directions, and she sat up and looked at him. He rolled over and let her eyes meet his.

"Why?" Taylor asked bluntly. She knew exactly who he meant. He meant her little five year old baby boy, Owen. She couldn't just produce him out of thin air. He lived in New York for God's sakes. It would take at least two days to get him here.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now