5 - Changing

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So here's what you missed on glee...Sam and Taylor got closer and Jake got a little threatened, so Jake and Sam had it out for Taylor's attention. Sam winning with his Rascal Flats song. Taylor and Blaine sang a duet with each other, which they practiced at Blaine's family house, and Taylor confirmed that the Anderson's were her family, she even had a brief run in with her dad. After Taylor's solo debut performance for the glee club, Taylor layed everything down for Marley to hear and that's what you missed on glee.


"Taylor Lois Anderson, you had better be getting your back side ready for school. You're going to be late, and watch out for the new gardner, he's mowing the lawn" Taylor's Grandma, Susana Vasquez, shouting in her intolerable spanish accent up the stairs.

Taylor rolled her eyes and pulled on her denim jacket with the woodshop embroidery and the state flag material patches stitched into the back. She was also wearing a Might Mouse pop art wife-beater. Leather pants. And her black Doc Martens. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail it had been in over night. It was messy, good messy though.

Taylor stomped down the stairs, making sure to put the full force into her steps. She was a child at heart. Having a temper tantrum because she made Taylor move to Lima. "Yeah alright. Jeez" Taylor shouted back. "You know, if you bought me a car then I wouldn't have this problem" Taylor hinted to her Grandmother. She could drive, passed her driver's ed class and all. Her Grandmother just refused to buy her a car.

"That's not going to happen Taylor. Can you please take this out to the gardner?" Mrs Vasquez asked in a huff. She forced a glass of lemonade into Taylor's hand. Had she suddenly become the maid now?

"What did your last slave die of? Oh you know what don't answer. They probably had to walk everywhere because you wouldn't buy them a car" Taylor screamed through the house at her Grandmother. She picked up her school bag and slung it over her shoulder, she couldn't handle living with her for much longer.

Taylor made sure to slam the door shut on her way out of the house. At least she would have the quiet solice of her own thoughts on the long walk to school. "Morning babe" the blonde Nashville born guy laughed slyly.

Her eyes darted over to the side of her porch. Her eyes widened with what she saw. A very very shirtless Sam was trimming the hedges. Taylor's head turned sideways in awe. He was glistening with sweat, not sure how you sweat from trimming a hedge. His arm muscles were tensing and un-tensing while trimming. His abs were shining with the morning sunlight. His smile on his face, as he watched me checking him out. "Like what you see?" Sam laughed smugly.

Taylor shook her head to break the daydream that she was having, the thoughts of the things that she could do to that body, things that respectable citizens shunned. "Oh please, my abs are way better" Taylor snapped back cockily.

"How am I supposed to know that, you have your shirt on" Sam responded. Taylor looked down at her vest. He bit his lip, and damn it made Taylor shiver a little.

"Yeah, and it's also going to stay there you perve. And why are you trimming my hedges?" Taylor hissed back. Her mind went to a dirty place with what she said. And by the little chuckle that came from Sam, Taylor guessed that his did as well.

"I need the extra money and your Grandma put an add up at school. I had no clue this was your house until five minutes ago" Sam explained. Taylor mentally reminded herself to fire Sam, after he puts his shirt back on though. "I was pleasantly surprise" Sam teased, looking Taylor up and down, impure thoughts flooding his mind.

"Hmm" Taylor teetered. Her eyes had slowly drifted down to Sam's body. "Wait what?!" Taylor snapped, she had proccessed what Sam had said.

"My eyes are up here you know?" Sam laughed at her. "And on another note I can give you a ride to school if you need one" Sam announced. Taylor's train of thought was lost though because Sam pulled a white vest over his muscular torso. And now she could breathe again.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें