
Beginne am Anfang

"You fell right into my trap, newbie"

His words sent an arrow to her heart. She blinked and tried to register what he said. "W-what? I-I don't get-" "I"M USING USING YOU!!!" Andre's body shook as she took a step back. "You thought I loved you. You thought I admired you. Life is full of lies, isn't it?" he said word by word.

The boy was face to face with the girl and let his palm hit her on the cheek. His last word finally got her.



[Manage me. I'm a mess. Turn a page of a book, Half unread]

"You know, moping doesn't help at (y/n)" her friend told the crying girl. She let out a muffled sounds of distress and sniffled. The eye of the woman twitched and waved her hands to the sides, as if she done. "If your not going to at least go out this room. I'm going to call your friends". There was no sounds of movement.

"Fine". The sound of a door slam echoed through the silent room. Outside, the woman dialed on her phone and held it to her ear. A familiar voice answered as she explained everything to the boy.

"Wow, (y/n) must had a hard time on that" Kamon's voice said sympathetically. "Have you realized her movements on Andre? Obviously she had a some sort of admiration for him...ehem 'crush'" Misturu's voice added, as her friend nodded. "How about you Ken? Can you show some care for her. I think your the only one she can talk to, together with the two" the white-haired woman asked, hoping for a positive reply.

"Yeah, Ken. Show some care~!" the two boys teased the poor boy. "Show some care? Are you hinting that we should go their. To your house" he answered finally. Mitsuru snorted, "What are you? Close friends?"" We are". "Point taken".

The person on the other line giggled. "That's some skills there, Ken. I was planing to tell you but, you already bet me". "We'll take that invitation" Kamon immediately said. The woman nodded. "See you here"


"She's in here". The boys finally arrived at their destination to be greeted by (y/n)'s friend. She showed them where she was and knocked on her door. "(y/n)? I'm coming in" the creaking of the door disturbed the silenced. Her friends spotted the girl on the bed with a pillow on her face. "I'll leave you here" she said and closed the door.

The trio neared the bed and shook the girl. "Hey (n/n). It's us" Kamon's voice said. "If your here to admit to being a bully, get out. NOW" her voice was monotone, obviously not her usual self. "How rude to greet your friends, who basically protected you from any person in sight" Ken asked her, as she removed her face from the pillow to glare at the gray haired boy.

"That's a simple disguise from hiding your true nature, Ken. That's how people in this world work" she spoke, scaring the life of Kamon and Misturu. "Nothing personal, but when did you see us betray you. We accepted you like a gift. We protected you like a princess. We treated you like gold. What kind of friend do you want then?" Unfamiliar words came out of Ken's mouth. "From what I've experienced from Kamon. He'd never left me. That's when I learned by mistake"

(y/n) couldn't hold the fire in her eyes now. She couldn't get angry at her friends. She softened her gaze and let tears flow. "That's all that I needed" she muttered and wiped her eyes. "Thank you for coming here guys" she sniffled and smiled. "Also thank you, Ken. Those words really hit me hard" she joked and stood up, hugging Ken. The male stiffened and shot a glare at the two boys giggling like schoolgirls.

[Maybe it's not your weekend. It's gonna be your year. And I'm so sick of watching all the minutes pass as I go nowhere]

As, days passed. (y/n) showed no sign of hurt when she faced Andre. Actually beating him in a matter of minutes. The look on his face when he lost. She was so happy that everybody stopped bullying her for some reason. But more importantly she was glad when Ken encouraged her to go further to success. Maybe she might fall or trip in love on the way~?

"You want to feel weightless"


Okay. I'm very srry for not updating last week. didn't remember the reason though. Anyways, Happy(Advance) Birthday, killua7711. I made it an 'X Reader' 'cause it is against my rule about not accepting OcXVarious. Very sorry.

Guys, my crush just confessed to me~! Holy mother of Kamon Godai! I was soooo embarrassed the whole night. And right now we're just sending each other random stickers on Facebook. Random right~? (Edit: Yeah right. You don't know past me. You don't even know)

Song on the media is

Weightless - All Time Low

Favorite band ever!!! And I realized that there was little romance on this. Wha-? I don't even-!!

Read, Comment, Vote~!!!

Plot belongs to me

B-Daman characters are not mine

You belong to Ken:3

No Regrets, Just LOVE||Cross Fight B-Daman/Reader||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt