Wait, so whose the joke on now?

Start from the beginning

"So you were hooking up with Rachel's personal assistant this entire time?!"

Jude was absolutely dumbfounded as he dropped onto my couch, the next morning, "I always knew you had the hots for her but I never knew you actually...you know"

Sean's face was a hilarious shade of red and he shrugged, "It just kind of happened"

"Please tell me she looks nothing like me and the camera just happened to get her in a certain light" I grumbled already tasting bile. 

Jude shook his head, "No, I've met Amanda, you guys couldn't be any more opposite. She, like, reads books and enjoys art...things you would never go for"

"Hey, I read!" I grumbled feeling slightly defensive. 

"Dr. Seuss doesn't count" Sean murmured with an exagerated eye roll, "Anyways, the only thing that's even remotely similar about either of you is the hair and she's cut it off since. Thats what makes me think the picture was taken a while ago and, maybe, it was just held on to. Rachel's hair was cut far before any of us even knew of Trent"

Jude nodded quiclkly, "Yeah, its like almost shoulder length, something you would have definitely seen in the picture had it been cut already...she's a total babe with that haircut"

"Focus, Jude!" I snapped as Sean pierced Jude with a glare, "So that means Trent and his father were planning this from time!"

Sean nodded, "I'm thinking that's more probable and, perhaps, Trent is more so the mastermind behind all of this"

"His father is a monster~"

"I'm not disputing that" Sean murmured, "Amanda's hair was cut before Mr. Gold's release, I know this because it was just starting to get chilly and she kept complaining about how she got goosebumps on her neck without her hair covering it"

I made a face, "Your attention to detail astounds me"

"Harper, what if Trent is satan and Mr. Gold's the cohort. I mean, yeah, maybe Mr. Gold planted the seed and everything but Trent had to have been the one to do all the digging and come up with this. He's probably been keeping tabs on us all for a while now"

Jude groaned, "Great, Trent is our A"

"I see what your saying but Mr. Gold has a really tight leash on Trent and~"

"I don't understand why your now trying to devillainize Trent"

I shrugged, "I'm not, I just genuinely think his father is worse"

"Trent took a picture almost seven months ago of me and who he thought was you, why? Because he needed something to draw Andrew in. He met you and realized that maybe he didn't have to do that, maybe he could play it safe and let his father do the damage but he soon understood none of it would be so simple...so he took precaution and used the photo to nail the coffin shut" Sean murmured staring at me, "Trent's an evil genius and none of us ever caught it...I'm not putting any of this past him"

Jude was silent for a while before he spoke, "Have you noticed that every Gold you meet is usually the opposite of the way they portray themselves at first?"

"What do you mean?" I wondered. 

"When you first met Andrew he was a complete A-hole but you got to know him and he turned out to be a really good guy, despite all of this. When you met Trent he was super nice, super genuine and he's showing his true colours now and we see that he's a snake in the grass. What if they're father is the same exact way as Andrew, being mean is a wall before you get to the good part" Jude murmured, "Even Seth, the first time I met him I thought he was a complete idiot but he's a really smart guy. It's like they all put up fronts with people before gauging whether they can be themselves or not"

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