Scarlett Jo for 100, Alec

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"Can I talk to you for a second?" I hissed staring into Sean's wide eyes.

"Me?" He breathed, "All alone? I'm sure Andrew isn't particularly keen on that idea"

With a curse, I turned to face Andrew who was staring daggers at me, "Maybe he should drop you home, then"

"Wait!" I yelled as he turned on his heel and began storming down the porch.

"He literally just showed up, guys!" Jude muttered giving me an apologetic look which I completely disregarded as I tried to catch up to Andrew's angry strides.

Knowing exactly what would stop him in his tracks, I took one for the team and completely missed the last porch step and dropped to the ground with a loud yell.

"For fucks sake" Andrew grunted turning and running to my aid. He knew exactly what I was doing but no matter what, he would always come for me. Just as he was about to crouch down to help me, his eyes became angry slits and I stiffened as a pair of strong arms touched my back .

"Are you okay?" Sean's sickly sweet voice found my ears and I bristled.

"Did you want me to punch you in the face, again? Cuz history could completely repeat itself" Andrew ground out, standing up.

"If history was to truly repeat itself, Harper and I wouldn't be here right now" Sean whispered meeting Andrew face to face, "We'de be in the quiet comfort of a bedroom, her hands in my hair, my hands on her~"

"Sonofa~" Andrew roared, completely jumping over my head and tackling Sean. I shrieked as Jude came barreling out the front door, crying a string of expletives. I watched, in agony, as Andrew's fist repeatedly connected with Sean's face and, not knowing what else I was supposed to do, I jumped into the mix.

"Jude, help me!" I yelled as Jude stood off to the side, making twitchy moves as if he were going to pull Andrew away from his friend.

"I don't think you should do that" Jude shrieked.

I honestly wished that I would have listened to Jude's advice because as I finally got a good hold on Andrew, his elbow came back and completely knocked my lights out.

I fell onto the earth with a solid thud and watched, with hazy vision, as Andrew registered this and pushed away from Sean, who was obviously not going to let him get away. Just as Andrew was trying to hastily get up, Sean threw his palm into Andrew's face and tried to get another hit as Jude took this as opportunity as any, to drag him away.

"Holy shit" Andrew whispered, finally crawling over to me and holding my head in his hands.

"Yeah, Sean looks terrible" I murmured vaguely feeling a wet sensation touch my lips in angry bursts. I opened my mouth to say something else but the thick liquid inhibited me so I moved to wipe it away. Noticing this, Andrew tried to stop me but he was too late. I had already used the back of my hand to wipe my face and it wasn't until I noticed the stark red color did my insides curl.

I knew that colour all too well, and obviously Andrew did too because he quickly placed his hands behind my head just as everything went black.


I was on a bed; an incredibly comfortable bed.

Like, this bed felt like one of heavens many clouds and I snuggled deeper into the fluffy pillows, "mmm"

"Don't make love with my sheets" I froze as I heard the familiar grunt and swam up from my sea of heaven and met Jude's blue eyes.

"Blink much?" I hissed watching the way he sat in his computer chair, just staring at me. He only shrugged at this before grabbing the bottle of water on his desk and two advil tablets.

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