Hanging Out

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A/n: Not shipping anyone in particular. I just thought up this one because I'm booorrreeedddd. Enjoy!

Your P.O.V.

My doorbell rang and I got off the couch, already knowing who it was. Opening the door, I was greeted with smiles and some crazy gamers. Evan, Jonathan, Tyler, Craig, Lui, David, and Brock all stood at my door.

"Heeeeyyyy," they all said and I joined in. I finally let them in and immediately Jonathan went to the kitchen while everyone else sat in the living room.

"Feel free to pop a game in," I said, heading to the kitchen. They nodded and started up GTA V. I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen. Jon stood there downing some water. He didn't notice me so I snuck up behind him. Still drinking his water, I poked him in the sides and yelled really loud.

Jon screamed and spit out his water all over the wall. I laughed hysterically and fell to the floor, holding my stomach. He started in laughing and helped me up. I wiped away the tears in my eyes.

"That, that was so, hilarious," I said, trying to catch my breath. Jon smiled deviously and started to poke my sides, making me giggle because it tickled. I ran out of the kitchen and back into the living room, where the guys were stealing a jet again.

"David, Brock, help me!" I said. David and Brock were the only ones not playing the game. Brock smiled and looked back at the game while David got up and stood in front of me protectivly.

"I won't let ye hurt y/n!" he said, putting on his best hero face. I laughed and looked out from behind David. Jon went all Krusty on our asses and poked David in the stomach. David then proceeded to put Jon in a headlock, making everyone pause the game and watch them. Jon desperately tried to get out of the headlock, but failed.

"Say uncle," David said, tightening his hold on Jon.

"Uncle! Uncle!" he yelled. David dropped Jon and walked off. Everyone laughed and Jon got up off the floor, glaring at everyone.

"I'm gonna kill you Nogla!" he yelled, laughing his signature laugh. I chuckled and flopped down on the couch to watch the guys play.

"Delirious you need to chill the fuck out," Tyler said, running over a couple of people.

"Fuck you!" Jon giggled, sitting in one of the chairs. I laughed as the game continued on.

A/n: I'm dead lol. I'm gonna do several little hanging out oneshots. They'll probably be short, but I'll write them for the laughs. Okay peace out!!

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