Chapter 39

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"I thought we were going shopping for Christmas presents. Christmas is in a couple days." I panicked

"Parker calm down we are still going shopping-

I sighed in relief.

"Tomorrow." Savanah finished.

"I'm never going to get my shopping done." I muttered to myself.

"We will get it all finished tomorrow I promised." Savanah said.

"Fine." I huffed.

We all get out of the car into the house. I walked into the livingroom to see Dylan and Jesse cuddled up on the couch sleeping.

"They're so cute together." I gushed.

"I know right." Savanah chirped.

"Oh I forgot Jesse's mom called and said she be dropping them off in a half hour or so." Savanah said.

"Okay. I can't wait to see my baby." I said.

"Them boys are going to be Heartbreakers when they're teenagers." Savanah said.

"Yeah. I bet they be chasing Everly around." I said.

"We'll see in 10 years." Savanah said.

"Yeah." I said

I think about that. Will Gabriel and I ever last that long? Does he love me? I know I love him. I really want to tell him but I don't know what he'll say back. Usually it takes guys longer to say I Love You. I shake my head. Don't think so negative Parker.

I hear the front door open with feet stomping on the floor.

I see Carter come into the livingroom and he has a big smile on his face. My face lights up.

I squat down and hug him. He's getting taller. "Did you behave over at the Hale's house?" I asked.

He nods his head fast. "Yeah she made cookies for us. They're the best!" Carter said happily.

"I'm glad you had fun over there. Did you get along with the other kids?" I asked.

"Yeah well Everly always being rude to us boys." Carter said.

"I'll talk to Jesse about it. You both need to learn to get along Okay." I said looking at him.

He nodded. I pat his butt. "I'll see you in the livingroom. We can watch a movie. Your pick buddy." I said.

"Yes!" Carter fist bump the air and hugged me. I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled. He makes me so happy. I love him so much. Now I have to talk to Jesse and see what's up with his sister being rude to the boys.

Right as I opened the fridge Jesse walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Jesse I was going to wake you up cause I have to talk to you about something." I said.

"What is it?" He asked

"Its about Everly." I said.

"Oh no she didn't get into the gummy vitamins did she? I told her those aren't candy." Jesse sighed.

"Uh no. It's about her being rude to all the boys." I said.

"Oh. Yeah I had a talk to her about being more nice to them. You can't make friends if you're rude to them." Jesse said.

"What if something is bothering her and she is acting out on it?" I said.

"She would of told me if something is bothering her. She tells me everything." Jesse said.

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