Chapter 42

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I woke up on top of Gabriel. He looks so cute when he's sleeping.

His eye lashes are long that I'm jealous. His high cheek bones and strong jaw line. I traced my finger over his face admiring his features.

"Stalker much?" Gabriel groaned. He fluttered his eyes open looking down at me.

"Cranky much?" I mimicked his voice.

I got up to put shorts on and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and swished mouth rinsed in my mouth.

I walked back into the room and Gabriel's sitting up in bed.

"Tomorrow is Christmas!" Carter yelled running pass me jumping on Gabriel.

"Yes it is buddy. You ready to open presents tomorrow?" Gabriel asked picking him up.

"Hell yeah!" Carter yelled in excitement.

"Hey watch your mouth mister or you will be eating hot sauce." I scolded him.

"He says it." Carter said looking at me.

"Well I don't care if he says it I'm not his mom. I'm his girlfriend. You mister, though I'm your mom and you listen to me." I said smiling  and tapped his nose.

"Well Everly said Hell isn't a bad word. It's a place." Carter said.

"Well Everly isn't the boss of you. Don't listen to her. Listen to me. I don't want to hear a potty mouth from you. Santa would be disappointed in you very much." I said.

"What! He will? I'm sorry I only listen to you." Carter said.

"Not just me. All the grown ups." I said.

"Now come here and give me a hug." I said.

Carter grabs onto me and I hug him. I set him on my hip.

I look at Gabriel and his eyes are bright today.

"You're such a good mommy." Gabriel said getting up. He kissed me on the lips then kissed Carter's head.

"Ewww germs!" Carter yelled squirming around in my arms.

"Not ewwww. We have the same germs bubba." I said kissing his cheeks.

He stops squirming in my arms. "Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. You have my blood in you and I have your blood in me. Same germs silly." I said.

"Oh." He said and smiled.

I kissed his cheek again. "I love you." I said.

Carter turn his head to me. He grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you too." He said.

Aweeee! I love little kids. Soon he's going to be older and doesn't want to be babied my me.

I let Carter down and he ran downstairs. Gabriel wrapped his arms around my waist. "What're you thinking about baby cakes?" Gabriel asked.

"I hate that nickname." I said.

"I don't." Gabriel mumbled in the crook of my neck.

"Why do you call me that?" I asked.

"Cause you are small. Like a baby." Gabriel said.

"Should I be insulted? I'm not small. You're just a giant. You can't even walk through a door without bending your head down." I said.

"And I'm not a baby." I said crossing my arms.

"You're my baby though." He said grabbing my arms that are crossed and holding them making me hug myself.

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