Chapter 23

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Hey come check out my new book it's called Back in the Game.

Today is Friday and I'm going over to Dylan's after school. I've never been to her house. I been wondering this for awhile. I noticed Dylan never talks about her parents or where she lives. I guess I'll see when I get to her house.

I'm walking the hallways to go to my locker. I looked at my locker and see that someone drew a bunch of words on my locker such as: bitch, slut, whore, cunt, and my favorite boyfriend stealer. I rolled my eyes.

"I like how none of that is true." Gabriel whispered in my ear. I jumped. I turn around and pushed him.

"Fucking shit Gabriel you scare the hell out of me." I said.

Gabriel just laughed. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Maybe you should pay attention more." Gabriel whispered.

"Or maybe you're just an asshole." I said.

Gabriel chuckled. Oh god that chuckle. I'm going to die. "But I'm your asshole." Gabriel flirted.

I pushed him and laughed. "Give me a piggy back ride." I command.

I jumped on his back and he grabbed my thighs so I can wrapped them around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Tally hoe!" I yelled and pointed the way we are going.

"Where we going?" Gabriel asked.

"On a mission to the art room. There's no class in there so we won't get caught." I said.

"What are we doing in there?" Gabriel asked.

I like how he put the emphasis on doing. I rolled my eyes. Of course guys and sex.

"We aren't having sex in there moron. I have more respect for myself to have sex in an art room." I said.

"Where would you like to have sex then?" Gabriel asked. I know he's smirking.

"On my parents grave when they're dead." I said in a serious voice.

He stopped. "Really?" He asked.

"No! They would have to be dead first but they're not cause they are in jail." I said laughing.

"Does that mean we're still having sex on their graves?" He asked.

We arrived in the art room. I climbed off his back and walked to the cabinets. I searched for the feathers, paints, and permanent markers. I grabbed all the supplies we need.

"Hey go to the cafeteria and grab ketchup packets. As many as you can." I said.

"Ok I'll be back." Gabriel said. While I go to the science department again. They bought more pets. I looked in the around the room and see all kinds of animals, amphibians etc. But my eyes land on something else. In the very back of the room there's a glass tank filled with 4 trantulas. Yes I mean 4 huge spiders. Good thing I brought my bag. I pick the tank up and poorer them in there. I zipped it up fast.

I really do hate spiders. They scare me but I'm getting over the fear by doing this. I walked out with the bag in my hand with another bag filled with my other supplies. I meet Gabriel in the hallway.

"What's in the other bag?" Gabriel asked.

"Uh it's a surprise." I said.

"Why is the bag moving?" Gabriel asked.

"You'll find out. Did you get the ketchup packets?" I asked.

"Yep." He said holding out a container of them.

"Great let's head to Brittany's locker." I said.

We walked down the hallway where her locker it at. "663, 664, 665, 666, 667. There it is." I said stopping in front of it.

I remembered her combination just in case shit happens. I opened it. I took a piece of paper out and wrote. There's a gift inside -your secret admirer. On the bag with the spiders in it.

The bell ringed for 2nd hour. "Come on behind over here." I yelled as people pile out of their classes. Gabriel took his phone out and started to record this.

Brittany goes to her locker and opens it. She saw the bag and she turned around to look who put it there. She smiled. She then unzipped the bag and out crawled 4 huge spiders.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Brittany screamed like she was getting slaughtered.

People around her scream too cause they saw the spiders crawling towards them.

"That's what was in the bag?" Gabriel asked.

"Yep." I said smirking.

Someone grabbed the back of our shirts. "You two can come to the office with me." Mr. Greene said dragging us to the office.

"Sit and wait for principal Morgan." Mr. Greene said.

Gabriel sat in one of the chairs I went to sit next to him but he pulled me onto his lap.

"You can sit on me." Gabriel whispered in my ear. I shivered. I lean into him. He held my hand.

"Hey Gabriel. Hey Parker!" Dylan said walking into the office.

"What did you do to get in here?" I asked.

"I poured spoiled milk on a guy who let's just say he got touchy with me." Dylan said.

"You want me to beat his ass?" Gabriel asked.

"No Jesse already did it and he should be here any minute now." Dylan said.

Right then Jesse walked through the doors.

"Hey guys." Jesse greeted with a smirk on his face.

"Hey Jesse you get caught?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah." Jesse sighed.

"You didn't have to beat him up. I could of handled it myself." Dylan said to Jesse.

"He tried to put his hand in your pants. You didn't handle it yourself." Jesse glared.

Dylan turned around and sat in the seat next to me crossing her arms.

"Oh its you bunch in here I should've known it would be you three but I didn't expect Ms. Wade in here." Mr. Morgan said.

"Yeah well I got sexually harressed." Dylan said.

"You didn't have to pour spoil milk on him. You could of came to the office and filed a complaint." Mr. Morgan said.

Jesse stood up and got in the principals face. "The guy tried to stick his hand in her pants. How was she supposed to go to your office and file a complaint when she was trapped? Did you just wanted him to do it to her?" Jesse shouted.

"Jesse don't raise your voice at me!" Mr. Morgan said calm.

"I will handle the situation." Mr. Morgan said.

Jesse scoffed. "Yeah right." He said and walked out the office pissed.

"Come on I'll discuss all three of you guy's punishment." Mr. Morgan sighed.

I know this chapter is really short. I'll make the next chapter a little longer. I hope you like this chapter. Oh and don't forget to check out my new story Back in the Game. Thank you guys!

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