Chapter 9

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Today is Friday. I'm fucking praising Jesus right now. I didn't have to drop Carter off at Preschool today cause Savanah said she will do it cause her son is in the same Preschool. I thanked her so many times.

I walked the halls of this school thinking back to all the memories here and all the pranks I did. I sighed.

I went to my locker and opened it but as soon at I did some asshead thought it would be funny to shut it.

I turned around and glared at this guy I don't know.

"What the fuck asshole!" I growled.

"What did you say?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Did I stutter or do I need to slow it down so you can comprehend it?" I asked sarcastically.

He got up in my face. "Say it to my face bitch." He spit out.

I wiped the spit off my face. "I said what the fuck asshole. As in you're  the asshole." I explained.

He pulled back his hand to hit me but I kicked him in the balls and punched him in the face as he fell down.

"Parker? What the fuck happened? You alright?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Some asshole thought it would be funny to slam my locker shut when I opened it." I explained.

"Like I said before but I'll say it again. You're a little shit starter." He smiled.

"He's the one that started it I'm the one who finished it." I said.

"Whatever little shit starter." He said and walked me to class.

I barged in and acted like I was out of breath.

"Nice of you to join us today, Parker. Like to share why you are late?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Some dude chased me with a bat in the hallway." I said out of breath.

"Parker what's the real reason?" He sighed.

I stood up straight "Good I don't have to pretend. Some asshole slammed my locker shut and we kind of... let's say got into a fight. I won. The end." I said.

"I don't know whether or not to believe this one cause the other reasons were a creepy 40 year old was following me and I had to hide underneath the crawl space an-" I cut him off.

"That actually happened. I wasn't lying about that. But keep going." I said waving him on.

"You walked in late one time and said you were busy with getting jiggy with someone. I have no idea what that means. Tell us what that means." He asked.

"Well... um... it means... that I ... was having sex." I said trying not to laugh cause I lied about that one. People thought I was blushing but I was holding in my laugh.

"Really Parker during school. I had no idea you like it that way." Gabriel said smirking.

"I like it any way you want. But my favorite it rough sex." I said with a straight face. They are totally buying that.

Gabriel's eyes widen and his mouth dropped. Like he couldn't believe that I have sex. It was a lie though I'm a virgin and proud of that unlike 97% of the school.

The bell ringed. Woah that was fast. I walked out of class and went to my math class. I sat all the way in the back. Then Gabriel scrolled right in and sat next to me. Really does he have to be up my ass all the time? He looked at me and smirked. We'll see about that when I slap him back to 1300 A.D aka. The bible times.

On the other side of Gabriel is little miss bitch the one who told me to stay away from him. They would make a great couple.

She saw me and glared right at me. I was unfazed by it so I waved at her and flipped her off. She huffed. Our math teacher said he didn't want to teach today so he's like do what ever you want.

I see out of the corner of my eye that bitch queen got up and sat on Gabriel's desk.

"Do you smell that Gabriel?" I asked sniffing the air.

He sniffed the air and looked at me "No." He said comfused.

"Really cause I smell desperate coming from over here." I said looking at bitch queen. She heard what I said and glared but ignored it.

"Hey G? Do you know what you're getting me for Christmas?" She purred.

"I know what I'm getting you for Christmas." I said to her.

"And what might that be?" Gabriel asked amused.

"A bible and some clothes." I said.

Gabriel burst out laughing that he accidentally shoved her off the desk. She got up off the ground and looked at me.

"I'm going to punch you." She growled.

"Bitch there's only going to be 2 hits in this fight. Me hitting you and you hitting the ground." I said with a smirk.

Gabriel couldn't contain his laugh and now the whole class is looking at us.

"Like what you see?" I asked.

"I like what I see." The same asshole I punched said.

"You know what I think?" I asked him.

"What." He grinned.

"I think I'm going to pay a thug off the street so I can watch him beat the shit out of you while I enjoy it." I said.

That wiped his grin off his face. That's right. Who's the bitch now.

"Bitch you better say sorry." He said.

"What is there to apologize for?" I asked.

"What you said." He growled.

"I'm sorry... that I'm not sorry." I said.

The guy got up out of his seat. Gabriel got in front of me.

"Back the fuck up Chris!" Gabriel yelled and got in this guy's face.

Oh so his name is Chris what a lovely name he has... not.

"Wait how do you know him? I never seen him around here before." I asked.

"That's because you don't need to know this asshole." Gabriel said.

"Don't tell me what to do Michaels." Chris said and got in his face.

I got between them two. "Okay guys settle it down." I said trying to be the peacemaker but shit always has to hit the damn fan.

"Gabriel you better put your bitch on a leash." Chris said.

"Oh hell to the fucking no. I know you did not just say that!" I yelled. Chris just smirked.

I tackled him to the ground and straddled him. I went to go hit him bit
someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me off of him.

"Are you going to calm down Parker?" Gabriel whispered in my ear. I just nodded. As soon as he unwrapped his arms I jumped to attack him again but Gabriel held me down.

"Let me go! So I can put the smack down on him." I yelled trying to get out of his grip.

"Parker I think you already won this fight as soon as he fell to the ground." He said.

"What in the world is going on in here!" A voice boomed.

We all looked up and see that it was the principal.

He pointed at Chris "You." Then Gabriel "You." And me "And you come to my office now!" He yelled.

I would like to say thank to you guys I got a little over a 100 reads. You guys are awesome. Don't hesitate to comment on anything.

Ohhhh! What will happen to Chris, Gabriel, and Parker now?

How does Gabriel know Chris?

The Sarcastic Girl & The Badboyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें